transferring phonebook with help from a PDA?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by JoeBananas, Feb 23, 2005.

  1. JoeBananas

    JoeBananas New Member

    Feb 23, 2005
    I've read in several places where people say it's possible to transfer the phone book to the Prius with the help of a PDA. Has anyone actually had success with this? I've tried with my IPAQ 5400 and I can't even get the IPAQ to pair up with the car. The IPAQ can see the car but that's as far as it goes.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. tag

    tag Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    My Garmin iQue is my PDA. It's great but no BT. :cry:

    I was thinking about just picking up a cheapo phone off ebay solely for the purposes of using it to transfer the phonebook to the car. Something on the order of the Siemens S56 or Sony T68i.

    What do you think?
  3. wesj49

    wesj49 Junior Member

    Jan 3, 2004
    CA Central Coast
    You will not be able to transfer contacts with a PDA or laptop alone. It still requires a BT phone. The Prius pairs with the phone but accepts the transfer from the PDA or laptop or computer.
  4. JoeBananas

    JoeBananas New Member

    Feb 23, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(wesj49\";p=\"67199)</div>
    Thanks. I was able to get the data to transfer, albeit one entry at a time, but the numbers appear as vertical lines or blank. The names are correct though. I thought it might have been because the number was in the wrong field for the contact but I tried nearly every 'phone#' field to no avail.

    Any suggestions?
  5. wesj49

    wesj49 Junior Member

    Jan 3, 2004
    CA Central Coast
    The numbers cannot have formatting. Make your numbers look like 18182135555. When I transfered some contacts using my ipaq 4155, I had a lot of trouble with this because the contact app has no way of turning off phone number formatting. I ended up transfering unformatted numbers from Outlook Express on my laptop to the pda. The PDA app didn't format the transfered numbers unless I edited them. I use my laptop to transfer contacts, I was using the pda for testing for another person. The pda wants to use the business card transfer profile which only transfers one contact at a time. The laptop and Outlook Express will transfer any number of selected contacts. BTW, did you transfer contacts from the pda with or without a BT phone?
  6. JoeBananas

    JoeBananas New Member

    Feb 23, 2005
    That did it. Thanks for all the help. One at a time with the pda but it's all there. I did have to use my phone while using the pda to transfer the phonebook. I don't have bluetooth on my laptop just my pda. It probably took 30sec per contact but I'm all set now.

    Thanks again.
  7. mcitron

    mcitron Junior Member

    May 5, 2004
    Could you review what you did in a step by step process. I am having a little difficulty putting all this together.

  8. JoeBananas

    JoeBananas New Member

    Feb 23, 2005
    Sure. First I had to download my phone book from the phone to the PC. There are a number of programs that do that. I then saved it out as a comma delimited file (.CSV). Next I imported it into Outlook contacts folder. When I did this, Outlook converted all my unformatted numbers to formatted number, i.e.; 8005551212 became (800) 555-1212. So I had to manually go through and edit each contact in Outlook and remove the formatting. After the editing was completed I sync the Contacts with my IPAQ. Then I went to the car. Once in the car I turned the power on and waited for the phone and car to get a successful Bluetooth connection. Now, if you haven’t done so already, from previous attempts, go to the Bluetooth manger of the PDA and try and add the car as a device. You won’t be able to connect to it but you just need it in the list of devices. Now, press the phone button on the steering wheel and press the Settings button on the NAV screen. Make sure the Contacts screen is open on the PDA and select Transfer Phone Book on the NAV screen of the car. Once you do this the, you'll see that the phone disconnects the Bluetooth connection. So on the PDA click and hold on the first Contact until the popup menu appears and select Send via Bluetooth from the menu. The PDA will show you the list of devices. Make sure the type of device is All Devices and not just Object Push. You should see the car listed. Select the car and click OK. The PDA will transfer the contact to the car and the car will return to the Settings screen. After a few seconds the phone will re-establish the Bluetooth connection to the car. Make sure you wait for this to happen before you continue and even wait a few seconds after it that. Now press Transfer Phone Book again on the NAV screen and when prompted to Overwrite or Add select Add. Next, go the second Contact in on the PDA and do the same thing all over again. Continue until all your contacts are in.

    That's it. Good Luck!
  9. mcitron

    mcitron Junior Member

    May 5, 2004
    As soon as I open the contact screen on my PDA iPAQ 2210 or or close a contact after removing the formatting it on my desktop Outlook, it formats the numbers again with parentheses and dashes. How do you keep it from doing that? This seems to be a common property for Pocket PC PDAs. Am I missing something?
  10. wesj49

    wesj49 Junior Member

    Jan 3, 2004
    CA Central Coast
    The only way I was able to defeat this problem was to transfer unformatted Outlook Express contacts from my laptop to the pda. If you don't edit the numbers they will stay unformated. Go figure.
  11. JoeBananas

    JoeBananas New Member

    Feb 23, 2005
    I have Outlook 2000 that came with my IPAQ 5400. One difference may be that I haven't used Outlook or Outlook Express at all until this. In fact I had quite some difficulty getting Outlook installed. OE is still not installed on my machine. I use Novell GroupWise for all my email, contacts and calendaring. Unfortunately GroupWise and Pocket Outlook don’t play nice with one another without a lot of handholding.

    In any event, I just edited the contacts in Outlook 2000 to remove the formatting and when closed each contact it was saved without the formatting. When I then sync'd with the IPAQ they all came over unformatted.
  12. JoeBananas

    JoeBananas New Member

    Feb 23, 2005
    I almost forgot. This may also have something to do with it.

    When I imported my phonebook into Outlook from the CSV file. I had a very minimalist phonebook, ie, I only have one number per contact and all names are using just the First Name field of Outlook. Normally Outlook will try and format your contact names by doing LastName, FirstName. But I don't use mine that way. Mine are like John's Cell, Becky's Home, Joe's Work. So because I can’t allow the formatting of the names I use the firstname field only for my contacts.

    Good Luck
  13. primatreat

    primatreat New Member

    Feb 20, 2005
    2010 Prius
    I just got my Motorola v710 phone book into the prius. Here is what I did.
    purched a palm one Zier 72 from ebay. $70.00. Put my contacts in using only first name.(put both names in) put phone number with no spaces. used a catagory (prius) to sort them. I bonded the Zier with the car as a favored device. had phone in my lap. set the phone in the Transfer mode. hit transfer it asked if I wanted to add. . In the contact file I selected a contact and taped send contact. It asked for me to select the device to send to. select handsfree bluetooth. It worked :mrgreen: