I just started to see that Prius commercial on the Discovery Channel sometimes. I've seen it like 20 times. Every time I see a Prius (either on tv, internet, or real life) It makes me want to buy one. I'm always trying to convince my dad to sell the Lexus and buy me a Prius. Money was kinda short because he started up a chemical business and purchased a site, or plant. But, business is starting to take off rather quickly and my dad's business partner is interested in our Lexus. So I'm soo excited. Now all I have to do is convince him and show him all the plus sides of the Prius. The reason I didn't say negative sides because there is none! :mrgreen:
I remember when I first saw a little ad (not TV) for the Prius on the New York Times website. I saw it in June or July of '03, and the second I saw the word "Prius" and then the picture of the car, I was absolutely sold. It's funny because some people find the styling of the car to be a bit annoying, but to me, the Prius was instantly beautiful...of course, perhaps this is because I had wanted the earlier Prius incarnation but had been prohibited by the fact that I was too young. :mrgreen: Of course, I tried to finagle my parents into getting my a Prius right when the came out, and we did go to the dealership in October, I believe, when there was no waiting list........But I didn't get one, that would have to wait until almost an entire year later. Painful. In any case, I remember that single moment well, and Prius commercials of all sorts still give me a little feeling of joy in my gut. How many other people in other cars could possibly have such a reaction?
LeVautRien, That is exactly what happened to me. But, I don't have a Prius yet. I'm hoping that my story will exactly follow yours, because then soon my Prius will be home. :mrgreen:
Yea, my older brother is always ripping on the Prius. One thing he says that it looks like it has down-syndrome. He's such an nice person. I told him we'll see who gets the last laugh when the gas prices rocket. :mrgreen:
Picked up my Sunday paper today and in all the adds for various cars from the Toyota dealer one one section 8 Prii in stock at MRSP! With 8 in stock one wonders if you might do a bit better than that.
I drove past a stopped car today that had those spinning wheel covers. For just a moment, I thought that my Prius and I were in the Prius commercial.
[font=Microsoft Sans Serif:40519ecca6]The Prius ad ran three times during the CBS Sunday Morning show on 3/6/05. What does that say about the viewers? I tape this show every week because Charles Osgood has a variety of topics…kind of like the Sunday newspaper but on TV. It\'s also 90 minutes long and I don\'t want to see all the commercials ..well this week I watched three ads on the tape [/font:40519ecca6]