Hello I ordered our Prius 2 weeks ago and took delivery Tuesday on it. So far I love this car. It is very impressive and we want to do our part to save the enviorment, money and cut the trasfer of wealth from this country to OPEC. Maybe it will stop terrorism a little too. Best wishes... DirtyPaw
Hey with a handle like "dirtypaw," just have to ask what you have for pets? Best wishes with the new Prius.
I like the enthusiasm. Just remember, what it all boils down to is; saving the environment is really just saving people. The environment will always be around long after people destroy themselves.
I have 2 Austrailian Shephards that love to dive and swim in the pool. Thanks for asking I love those critters...
I totally agree about the transfer of wealth. When our we going to stop sending money to those who hate us? Depending on other countries for our oil in a pain in the pump!
Two weeks waiting??? You lucky devil! I have 4 mixed breed dogs and usually foster 1-2. I,too, have many, many "dirtypaws"
I didn't have to wait at all, drove up to a dealership and took the one they still had sitting on the lot(my second color choice) i originally went to the dealer to reserve a black one but saw they had a magnetic grey with the package i wanted actually on the lot. The dealer gave a double look when i asked if it was available, they seem to didn't realize they had one at the time. Especially since over the phone they said they were all out and i had to reserve one.
Congrats DirtyPaw - tell us what you got? color, package, etc. :target: I've got two corgis but I admit they haven't been in the new Prius yet.