If I'm not mistaken, I thought Toyota announced that the '09 MSRP will be increased by 2.2%, which is like $500.
Yes, and it's already increased $500 since last year at this time, add that to the new increase = $1000. Not to mention all the "extras" they will make you pay for. ($395 for the paint seal, noise reduction stuff, $200 for carpet mats, $900 for "dealership services".... etc.. and we'll have to add leather $1200, and window tinting $350 since it wont come in with the "negotiated" price as it was before.) And I know it's been said before that right now there is no "deal making" on the cars, since they'll just skip to the next person in line willing to pay what they want for the car. Hence, my "5k more" comment.
Good luck getting one below MSRP any time soon. I got mine for MSRP after a 7 week wait, and that was a better deal than what I could get elsewhere. This is the first time I've ever paid MSRP for a vehicle and I'm a hard negotiator, but in order to negotiate you must have a feel for the market and inventory/demand. It appears that you don't have any feel for the Prius market at the moment. If you bought one for "a couple grand below MSRP" this Summer then please share your experience. I had the impression I could get one below MSRP early this Spring, but by late Spring it was too late.
I tried to see if I could get $500 off as mine will probably be an '09, but no can do. As for tinting, the dealership also quoted $350, but another dealership in the area was offering it to me for free. However, that dealership was farther from me so I basically said to the dealer closest to me that if he wanted to earn my business, he would have to offer me a better deal. He decided to match the offer. I just hope that didn't anger him too much or get me bumped from the waiting list.
This has been told to me my 2 dealerships; that Toyota allocates the Prius depending on the past volume that the dealer has sold. In other words, if a dealer has sold more Prius, they will get more a greater allocation than others.... As it turns out, the Portland, Oregon Metro area has the highest per capita of Prius than any metro area (this includes Seattle, San Francisco). There are 3 Prius' on my block and one a block up. Therefore, most dealers have to toe the line (MSRP). I could have bought one $250 under the MSRP as the Costco (which is like Sam's Club) Toyota dealer was offering this "on good faith". I didn't buy from them as another dealer called me first. They did call a few days later, so I shoud have bided my time LOL... Only one dealer had the gall to tell me verbally that the MSRP went up $800....Of course, that was "their" MSRP-after all, it is a "Suggested Retail Price".
That's right...last year, even maybe the beginning of this year, I would have had a little wiggle room in that MSRP, but now!!! forget it ...you can't even find one in inventory. It's a sad fact, but I am actually considering another hybrid until perhaps the Prii is more available. I HATE hassling at the dealership. Like to know my bottom line and be ready to buy. I pride myself on purchasing well below sticker. The Prius has put a real kink in that plan. Do you think there'll be any on lots next year? Maybe if oil prices drop? :der:
You may want to check to threads/posts. I seem to remember a post about a dealer in Philadelphia not going over MSRP, but I don;t remember any of the details. That wouldn't be that far down the Penny Mainline. I;m originally from Bristol, Pa. It may have been a Langhorne dealer. Good luck!:noidea:
Thanks, DW...I'm right at the beginning of the hunt...I have a few more places to check, but I am certainly mourning the loss of my enthusiasm for a new car. Takes all the fun out of buying when it's such a hassle and wait...(as I'm sure you know). Will keep you all posted. May actually check Conn. as it is just a ferry ride away from me.
Hey dw, I'm just down the road from you (in Atlanta). I'm in Macon. The dealer here has me and wife as #1 and #2 on the 2009 waiting list - and they told me they were $1,500.00 over MSRP - take it or leave it. Walked me into a booth with a pc and pulled up AutoTrader.com for used 2008 Prii sorted from Hi to Low by price... omg, dealers all over the country are selling used '08 pkg2 cars for as much as $33,000.00. One guy had a pkg #6 car at $38,995 !!! My current car is a 2008 pkg 2 (wouldn't you know). I paid $22,500.00 for it new late last year - and some people (I assume) are really paying more than $10,000 above that for a used one like mine ? Okay. Here's the deal. HERE I AM people. CALL ME. I'll drive this gorgeousl little red 2008 pkg #2 Prius to El Salvadore if you'll produce 33 grand US dollars keeping the denominations no greater than $20.00 bills with non-sequential serial numbers - AND I'LL THUMB A RIDE HOME TO MIDDLE GEORGIA.
There are still some Dealers in FL selling @ MSRP. Be careful though some are bumping the Price with unauthorized add-ons. I'm on a list in Tampa for Toyota's "Build-your-own" Total $$$ quote, plus title, tags & tax of course. We'll fly down, probably make a stop @ Hard Rock Casino, and take a leasurly 400 mile drive back. A little R&R. Not that long a drive. I think there were some in Clearwater & Ocala also. Who knows :noidea: Situation changes from day to day. Thanks for the reply.
Holy crap! where was that quote when I was looking up prices to haggle with the insurance company for the settlement on our totaled '08!?!
Huh? You better ask for the full, what was it called 'purchase order'? The final price wil be well above MSRP There are none on lots in Tampa or Clearwater. I live in Tampa Bay
Perhaps I wasn't clear. The Toyota.com's "Build-your own" Total $$$ in the Pricing box under MSRP includes: Base price of Touring, All Options/Accessories, plus "Manuf. Delv. Proc, & Hndlg charges", Totalled under the column titled MSRP. That's the "Total MSRP" for Southeast Region that I am referring to. The agreement is that I have no intention to pay any other charges, not autherized by me other than Title, Tags, and Taxes. The IBM SEFCU AutoAdvisor, negotiating for me, knows this and the salesman knows this, and the reciept for the $500 deposit references this. They are very well aware that I am willing to walk away if there is any unauthorized add-ons. While we're anxious, we are not in need of a car, one of the greatest advantages in buying a car. That's why it always helps if you do your homework up front and have a clear reference point, that is understood by all parties involved. Still no guarantees, but you reduce the risk of a misunderstanding. I appreciate your response, and they may well try to play games; but up to this point at least, they seem to be working with me. Thanks again! P.S. I am also aware there is a $500 MSRP price increase! I know it affects the 2009, but one souce implied it affected the 2008's as of Aug., 1st, 2008. I have not had a chance to look into this yet. But if it is, in fact, at the Toyota factory level, we'll continue with the purchase.
:sorry: :attention: I just want to assure everyone that the only thing that I Absolutely know for sure, is that I Absolutely do NOT know everything and sincerely appologize :sorry: if I often come across that way. I do have my opinions, and sometimes they are right and sometimes they are wrong. I appreciated learning about the new recommendations on winter treads. I was of the old school that thought wider was better and I was wrong, that's not true under deep snow conditions. I enjoy learning new ideas and updating old concepts. Sometimes it just takes a bigger brick.:brick: Thanking everyone for your advice, your comments and your patience. eace:
Try Lia Toyota in Albany, NY (It may be listed under Schnectady or Colonie). I know it's a ride, but I got my package #6 a few weeks ago for MSRP NO HASSLES, NO FEES, etc. It was a quick and painless transaction. I dealt with Marty and he was a very respectful rep. I used to live in LI and I know they will try to get you for everything!!!!
Dweed - In reference to the increase to MSRP for 2008 models effective 8/1/08, you are correct. I purchased mine on 8/1/08 and it was $500 higher than when I put down my deposit in May. FYI...
Thank you! It was very nice of my salesman not to mention that when we spoke yesterday. :suspicious: I'll be following up tomorrow. :mad2:
FYI- We had a warning that a $500 price increase from Toyota might nip us, but ours arrived the last few days of July, so we didn't get stuck for it. I didn't realize how close we came to getting stuck for the extra $500.
I bought on the last day of April and got mine for more than $1600 under MSRP, plus an additional $800 discount off the window sticker (basically at about the invoice price, according to KBB ), and no BS. I did preorder it through Costco about a month before I picked it up, due to a move out of state. Unfortunately now with the Prius market being what it is a deal like this is next to impossible to negotiate. Maybe with the arrival of the '09s in a month or two the supply will catch up with the demand and below-MSRP deals will be available again...