I am joining the side that feels spoiled! I too feel spoiled to be driving my Prius and I wouldn't trade it for any car in the world! One day out driving with my boys (age 8 and 10), they asked me, "if you could have any car in the world right now, what would it be?" I said, "This one we're driving right now!" By the way, filled up yesterday, prepaid $35 and had to go back in to get change. I loved the double take by the guy at the register! I just smile
I think I'll hijack this thread by saying I agree with the OP. Maybe I don't feel "spoiled" when I drive my Prius, but I do feel great about the car and the whole experience. When I am driving and see other cars, I think "Why in the world doesn't everyone build cars this way?" It isn't a fit and finish issue (though I am pretty happy with it compared to the Maximas I've loved to own in the past), but rather it is a question about the right technology for automotive design. If we can build cars that use less gas, pollute less and still transport you everywhere you can go, why use the old technology? I think of the best horse-drawn carriages ever built -- they were designed and offered after the motorcar already was becoming established. When I am passed by a Mercedes while driving 37 in a 35 zone, and I hear the vapors jetting out of the tailpipe, I wonder to myself "Why in the world would anyone drive that way -- so irresponsibly ignoring everyone else's world for the sake of their own desires." Oh well, I guess that will be addressed in another thread . . . Yes, I've drunk of the Kool-Aid -- and deeply. I think the Prius is the best production car out there. It may not be the most beautiful or have the high luxury features, but it is the start of a whole new way of seeing, designing and using automobiles. If I could have any car in the world, regardless of cost, I would choose the Prius. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy cars, but what benefit is there to me or anyone else if I use more than I need? If I had a larger family, I'd be screaming for the Prius Minivan (I'm still hoping for it), but since we need two cars, one is the Sienna and one is the Prius. Hopefully, even that will change. Where's that getting-down-from-the-soapbox icon?
I agree with OP, I felt spoiled.. no.. I AM spoiled. I loved driving the Prius and don't want to settle for anything less. And I don't care what any other cars are like, I was extreemly happy with my Pri.
I feel spoiled as well. PHriuS has made driving fun for the first time in a long time. What's not to like? It's a shame to have one sourpuss come on the newbie forum and spew his vitriol.
You need to get off your high horse, bud. The OP said never said the interior of the Prius was comparable to your precious Mercedes, he/she merely stated that the Prius had the same "toys" as a friend's Mercedes. I'm not sure why you found any of what the OP said to be offensive, but personally, your sanctimonius attitude greatly offends ME. And if you are such a big deal engineer then surely you could afford one of those superior Mercedes you're so proud of.
I agree with both sides, the Prius is fantastic, but far from perfect. I love my Prius, and would immediately buy another needed replacement, if same were available. Not being available, I paid $27,000 (well above list) for a used 2008 #2, and dont regret it at all (I wanted it, and I got it, the only available choice). Not the most financially logical solution I ever did, but it is just money, and it is very fun to drive and to watch it. Basically, the advantage of the Prius is the MPG economy, but it proably never pays for itself. The big thing is simply the esoteric geekiness. And it is green too. Which makes it worthwhile, and I love it, but ... The Prius is severely underpowered for the long climbs of mountain driving, because the battery only lasts a few minutes then, and there isn't much left when it is gone. So such climbs go very much better at many minutes of only 30 MPH, when you hope there will be a passing lane for the big boys. But the car is truly fantastic for all else, highway and city. However, steering and handling are pretty vague. Ride is rough. I went 5000 miles in one month, and the front seats are bearable, but cramped and not really "comfortable" or even adjustable. Foot room seems cramped, at least on trips. Finish is not at all remarkable... probably typical for its list price. Surrounded by all this technology, I greatly miss the most basic metering like RPM, radiator temp, and battery volts - very important because the Smart Key drains the tiny 12V battery, so best to drive it on most days. Much could be greatly improved. Nevertheless, I love the estoteric geekiness.
I love the Prius and I love your reply to the doofus sourpus. I was about to post something similar but then I read yours and couldn't say it any better.
Too much stress on the internal gyro for me to agree with both sides, but you have to remember I am the first born. So very true, Wayne, and I think you've found the important points. If you live in the mountains and need to be going up and over many hills and need to drive in long, extended climbs, perhaps you shouldn't be looking at a Prius. Similarly, if you live in a suburb and drive only on paved roads (with no need for a two-foot clearance), and you don't carry 1,000 lb payloads or a hockey team, then you likely do not need a Land Rover or a Cherokee -- or even a Suburban! I continue to be baffled by the auto purchases people make (OTHER people, NOT me!). I guess it is much like buying cigarettes. If you like the Cowboy, you'll buy Marlboro. If you're tough enough, you'll walk a mile for a ______. If you like esoteric geekiness . . . :decision:
That's a first rate burn there! :first: I'm rarely at a loss for words myself when someone deserves a good roasting, :target: but I bow to the superior grilling skills you've just displayed. Stick a fork in him, he's done.
Me too. I do feel spoiled. When I saw people driving around in Prii, I always figured they were just cramped econo-boxes inside. Instead, they are deceptively roomy, nicely designed, and definitely have their own aesthetic. It is a great combination of environmental consciousness, reduced dependence on oil, and a very enjoyable driving experience. I tend to feel like I got more than I paid for, which is such an unusual consumer experience these days. I'd have to have unlimited funds before I'd drive a Mercedes or a BMW. Before I would go that route, I'd send both my kids to the best possible college, travel a lot, and increase my charitable donations. And yeah, props to the OP for a nicely executed and well deserved burn!
I love the Prius, but I don't feel spoiled. Its equipment is comparable to a well equipped Civic or Corolla/Matrix, not a luxury car at all. Cons Driver's seat: no height adjustement. Manual, not electric. No heated seats No sunroof Steering wheel not telescopic Only one auto-up/down window Windows don't come down with the remote key No subwoofer in the sound system Steering wheel has no mute button Cruise control location annoying. CC buttons should be on the steering wheel instead of some buttons I never use (ventilation mode for example) No compass on the rearview mirror No heat grid under the front windshield wipers (the Impreza has that) Can't haul anything at all Pretty useless fog lights Pros The backup camera is cool. So is the Blutooth integration. The car is quiet on the highway due to the great drag coefficient Fantastic fuel economy Touchscreen (I like it) 12V outlet in the center console Little storage compartments in the trunk under the carpetted panel. Nice big glove box. Nice storage compartments: sunglasses in the bin above the glove box. Nice little compartment under the radio and under the front glass holder. Good automatic climate controls Heated mirrors Variable front intermittent wipers Audio Aux-in Smart Key system
Obviously, whether or not one feels spoiled by this car depends on from which you come and what you have in your past tool box with which to compare it.
Oh... and I didn't mean that other post as a "burn"... I meant it as a means of evaluation... I think it's important that when we do or say things, we understand the meaning behind our motivation... It's what we call self-actualization
I went from a 1999 Kia Sephia to an '08 black Prius. Hell, yeah, I am feeling spoiled!!!! And there is nothing wrong with that.
I am absolutely spoiled. The transmission did it for me. I've never driven a smoother car. I'll continue to buy Prii until there is an EV version that is still a hatchback and just as good.
Lol... we upgraded a little over a year ago from a... Pontiac Sunfire '01 (manual, no A/C, no power windows, etc.) - talk about feeling spoiled...
Absolutely! Spoiled is a state of mind after all. After driving my beloved Jeep Wrangler for 5 years and getting nary above 14mpg, rolled my windows up and down by hand, 3 full length cracks in that blasted flat-to-the-wind windshield, no cruise control, no paint finish to speak of, no storage/toting room, no security system, no auto-anything etc... Yes. I feel very spoiled. No need to compare it to anything as nothing really compares.
well that is first time i've seen anyone complain about storage...i guess if going from a full sized pickup to a Pri...one could feel that way