I know my '06-6 version has a tire monitor but only to alert if the pressure drops below a set point (I don't know what that is or even if it is adjustible). Does anyone know if there is an after market device to remotely monitor all four tires' actual running pressure? I know some cars have that ability but is there RFID (?) technology to do this in the after market parts area?
I don't think the Prius has such high tech RFID modules to do that. As far as I know, I think all it does is that it monitors all 4 wheels, or just 2 front ones (like on my mom's Sienna) and if it senses that one wheel for some reason is spinning less revolution that the other 3, then it assumes that it is low on tire pressure and triggers the light. There's a button on the bottom of your steering wheel that resets that if you desire to. I THINK that's how it works... at least that is how it works in my mom's Sienna.. I honestly don't know about the Prius.
There is a button located under the steering wheel. This buttom resets the tire pressure monitor to the current pressure of the tires. The warning light will then come on when any one of the tires are (I think) 25% below that number. I pumped my tires up a bit higher when I set this button. Then I reset the tires to their correct pressure. This allows the warning light to come on sooner .... for me at around 10% underinflation. ... Brad
the prius has direct tpms, a quick search for my posts containing tpms will help you find any info you're looking for. the wireless signal travels about 60 feet, so true remote monitoring isn't really possible. actual tire pressure is available on the scantool but nobody has worked out a way to get actual pressures on a readable device that costs less than $3000.