So I pull up to the gas pump and am standing at the pump filling up my Prius yesterday. This older gentleman has been fueling his huge beat up pick up truck before I pull up. He's sitting in the front seat with his feet hanging out the door, looking at me....I know he wants to ask me something. I make eye contact... He says..."Ah ha, so you use gas, too!! I knew it." I said "Yes, but only 8.9 gallons to go 500 miles." He audibly gasps and mumbles something about needing at least 30 gallons of gas to go that far as he looked at his shoes.. I smiled politely, finished filling, paid and left. He was still pumping... ******************************* No thanks...Keep the change...
Mostly they look at my vanity plate, "C52MPG" and I point out it for 50,000 miles, city and highway. Bob Wilson Absence of hope is old and bitter. If the Federal Debt isn't yet high enough, McCain will fix it.
Have gotten the look of death from a guy in a tank size vehicle. Caving-in isn't a sign of Hope. It's a sign of Say or Do ANY-THING to get elected!!!!!
Not only the conversations, but also the funny looks I get pulling away from the pump in stealth mode. People just stare, in disbelief not hearing a gas engine sound. I find peoples' reaction to be a source of entertainment. Dbcassidy
Getting great milage now. Have heard it will drop this winter! Look forward to winterization options! Father inlaw couldn't believe the silent pull away. Any time my kids see a vehicle that isn't a Prius they make the comment, "there's another gas guzzler"
That's funny. I never read the signatures...but since you brought it up, it is funny in this thread! BTW, I'm in the "Hope, is not a plan" camp.
I forget now . . . Is Hope Blue or Red? I thought I had it, but I must be colorblind, because I can't tell from here.
i blew the hope is not a plan image up and put it on my desktop.....there is a "sample" stamped across it....LOL. did it come from cafepress by any chance??
I was filling up when a really cute lady in nice white Prius pulls up next to me. As she starts to fill up I look over and see she is checking out the Barcelona Red I am filling, and I ask her "Hi there, say, are you tired of that damn backup beep yet??" She smiles and replies, Oh yeah, it drives me nuts. By this time we are filled up, after all how long does it take to put 8 gal in the thing, and I walk over to her and tell her she can disable it is less than 30 sec! Ok, she bites. I walk her through the process and for the last step I say OK turn off the car, restart and foot on brake put her in reverse ... TADA, NO BEEP.. BIG SMILE, Grateful Thank You, and a big HI-5. She drove away still smiling!!! Best fill up I have had in a while!!! 47.8mpg by the way!!! 73 de Pat KK6PD
MINGLOGIA, APRIORI, hahahaha, dont even get me started in politics! oh man............ KK6PD - i'm assuming you're a guy................did you even get a number, email or anything????????? well, nevermind,
Name? Phone Number? Date? You have a right, correction, it IS LAW, to ask for a number if you a: Help someone, b: They are cute and c: common interest/conversation topic. lol Only exceptions would be - married, engaged, same sex (if not your thing) or 40+ yr age difference! lmao.
YEA YEA YEA,.....I know the drill, and all would apply except for the fact I am happily married!!! Trust me, I have this given this one a couple of 2nd thoughts about it!! I am just too nice a guy!! But hey, you still can still look, chat, and help!!! 73 de Pat KK6PD
I have walked over to the pump after a huge vehicle has left and looked at their final cost. If someone's filling a small car nearby I'll look at them and give a "yikes!" facial expression. I use the EV button to stealth in, fill up and stealth out. Every once and a while I catch someone staring but for the most part it's pure personal fun. Shoot, since I am happily married I do things like that. When I was single I never would have approached a pretty lady.
I did approach pretty ladies on more than one occasion. That might be one reason I am in my 3rd marriage now! If I had the Pri when I was single.... oh baby!