But without the sound effects, right? :mrgreen: I just googled "god" on Google Images, and that\'s where it came from.
Yeah, I saw the remains on TV Oh, and he didn't get away with just singed hair. The local constabulary gave him a ticket for littering.
Well, this is certainly one of the more entertaining threads! Did everyone take their happy pills today? :lol:
never ever drive with a window down! its very dangerous!! i heard that on the natchez trace here in nashville that as a good ole boy was going down the road he rolled down the window to yell at the wild turkeys when suddenly out of nowhere a buzzard swooped down taking revenge by biting his nose. it was awful!!! dont let this happen to you. keep all that fresh air junk outside your car and use the ac as any self respecting human should :wink: :wink:
Try installing side door wind deflectors. I installed them on all four windows. They are also good protection from rain. Just lower front windows slightly to let air in and rain out. Bought mine mail order from Herrington Magazine which you can't get in Australlia but probably from some auto supply store.