Hey everyone, today I spotted (about 100 yards down the road) a beautiful buck going crazy in someones yard. As I neared closer he walked to the edge of the road, meanwhile I was coasting at about 20 waiting for him to make his move...he started to walk across, me about 10 yards away, I was soo excited I was able to creep (ev mode) right up next to him as he looked at me, almost in disbelief that he couldnt believe my car was silent..haha, it was great... Anyone else able to creep up nature?
i live in the city. so the skunks, free range cats, and etc... are not exactly scared of cars. i often roll down the window on the side of the road and watch a skunk eat the tossed out apple core in silent bliss.
I think that you guys discovered a new use for the Prius - Urban Mobile Hunting Blind. Now all I need to do is to find somebody that makes a gun rack for the Prius. Keith
Haha, I would say no as well; as I am confronted with this problem everytime I go into any big parking lo, and I never get that tingly feeling that I get when I see a real wild animal.
About a month ago, I was coasting home in my subdivision (found that if I go in the entrance furthest from my house, there is enough of an incline that I can make it all the way home and in the drive with a blank energy screen) when I saw a squirrel in the middle of the road, intent on either licking or smelling something. It wasn't moving (didn't hear me coming) so I had to slow down, eventually to a stop, so I could see him over the hood out the front window. He still wasn't moving and I honestly don't think he knew I was there. I gave the horn a slight tap and the thing went straight up in the air, did a back flip and took off. If it had been a cat and inside, it would have been stuck to the ceiling. I had a good chuckle and drove the rest of the way home.
My version of "Chicagoland" is far enough away from development that I see deer a few times per week. Yeah, when I'm stealthing, they just walk along, tail down, minding their own business. One time, I was sitting there, watching the deer when an SUV bore down and screeched to a stop behind me. Mind you, this was a single-lane road, but there was miles of visibility. Anyway, as the SUV approached, the deer looked past me and bolted. I thought that was about fitting.
Hahaha, that's funny :lol: I always got to creep up on the bunny rabbits in our yard, they'd just be munching away happily on our grass and watch us pull into the driveway. I've even gotten some dirty looks from people I've snuck up behind in a parking lot once they realized I was waiting for them to mosey out of the way. At least I didn't sneak up RIGHT behind them and then lay on the horn. :spy: