Anyone know if there is a way to update my 2005's G.U.I. to the newer look? Can the dealership do this?
I've not heard of anyone doing this successfully. I suspect it CAN be done, but will probably require an ECU replacement along with the MFD itself....Probably looking at $5-6000 + installation charges which may not be cheap since it's a custom job. If you have NAV you'll need the newer NAV DVD as well. That said, it might be a cool and not too expensive DIY thing. If you can find a salvage later model Prius, figure out exactly what parts you need it's probably pretty much plug & play to install.
uh yea. I think he was funnin' with you there. Tony has a relatively dry sense of humor you know. But it was funny! and a good way to see the BSOD! " how does one reboot a Prius anyway?"
Sorry about that. I was in a squirrelly mood this afternoon. Though some people have asked about icons and graphics and the MFD, no one has been able to figure out how to change any of the displays. You might still want to try Vista. Though on the other hand, it might make your car more likely to crash.