On the consumption screen on average MPG is that just for the last 30 min. or is it for the miles you go before you reset, I'm talking about the bottom of screen where it gives the MPG and miles driven, not the bars that go up and down Thanks
FYI the screen with the 6 5 minutes bars is commonly referred to as the "consumption screen" and the one with the picture of the energy flow is called "energy screen". On the energy screen the MPG and total mileage reading is from the last reset.
The Fuel consumption average on the consumption screen is since the last reset? Does it reset when you fill up?
Not in the U.S. on a 2007 or 2008. I think it does on some of the older models. I'm not sure about Canada.
The miles driven, or the MPG? I was certain that I heard that the 2008 did not reset the MPG, only the miles driven.
I know for a fact that both the 2007 and 2008 only resets the miles when filled up and not the average. The average is from the last time the reset button was pressed and will not reset until the the reset button is pushed regardless if you fill up and the miles reset.
That's what I had thought (and said), but Chris58 seemed to indicate differently. Can you say with certainty that it isn't different on Prius sold in Canada?
Both miles and MPG read 0 on the screen as I was about to pull away from the gas pump last night after my first fillup. (Why am I filling up so soon? My dealer cheated me, car only had 3 pips worth of gas in it when it left the lot.)
Mine seems to reset only the distance when I fill up, not the fuel consumption average. Anyway, after a fill-up I hit the reset button, as I'm interested in my tank-to-tank fuel consumption comparison, not my average since new.
For mine it is both the MPG and the miles. But to test this I had wait to move the car after I filled up as the gas guage slowly increases, and its only when it gets to full that it resets. Usually I'm already driving at this point and it seemed that the MPG did not change. So I tested it by waiting until the gauge showed full before I moved and when I did this the MPG went to zero as well as the miles. However, I also noticed that when I started moving it then seemed to go pretty much to where it left off. So I can't say for sure that it is not pulling something from a memory somewhere.
I have a question. I've seen some people post pictures that display their "lifetime" average FE. How do I get to that screen? I've checked the owner's manual and searched here, but I can't find the answer. Thanks.
If you never hit the 'reset' button on the consumption screen it will display your lifetime MPG ('06+ model years). But most of us manually keep track with a spread sheet and/or we use the database at greenhybrid and/or cleanmpg.com to keep track. Danny hopes to implement a similar tool here at PC soon.
AH ... I've already hit the reset button several times, so I guess that is out. For some reason, I thought the computer kept a running total that could be accessed at anytime.
Shimpy II If you have your historical stats just enter them in a spreadsheet to track your mileage. If you're going by the MFD display you can do weighted average to account for the different distance driven on each tank. A lot of us believe in resetting the MFD display after each fill as: 1. the most relevant reading is the latest - showing progress made 2. the more you have driven the least impact you can make on your life-time results By resetting after each fill you can fairly easily have both current and life time results. Good luck,