With the power off, I noticed a small green (lit) LED just to the left of the POWER switch bezel, behind dash. Just curious, any idea what it is for?
Sorry, no photo. It can be seen between the small gap between the outer bezel of the start button and the dash (but below the dash) to the extreme left of the bezel. It is lit with all power off. Curious what it is for.
Could it be the green lights next to the fob hole (for want of a better name), that tells you in the dark where to put the fob when you are not using SKS?
Its not the fob slot, definitely to the side of the start switch bezel. And nothing was powered on. I'll have to look again tonight see if I can get it to change states. Could have something to do with keyless entry.
I have never noticed it,but it is always lighted in the shop. I will have to see if I can see it on the next one I come across. :roll:
My only guess is, that maybe the LED is supposed to light up the ring around the switch? That's my guess, and its a WAG at that, because I cannot remember if the ring around the button looked like it was supposed to light up or not.
Ring around the button is chrome. Maybe it's reflecting the green envy of other drivers as gas prices continue skyward?
Everything was off, fob removed and car had been turned off for about 2 minutes. The glow was not around the chrome ring, just a small LED to the side of the ring. Could be just a 'Power On' LED for some sub-circuit in the car. KeyLess Entry and Security system was active at the time. I'll have to get a closer look next time.
How did you see anything behind the dash to the left of the button? To the left of the button is solid dash plastic. The button is illuminated for a bit before you turn the car on, and if illuminated by tail, will stay on for a bit. Follows the dome light timing.
Wolfman gave me an idea. Perhaps that green LED is the one used to light up the POWER button. Like the one used to light up AUTO or the two bars on either side of the "ignition hole"