I was driving and saw an odd brown ball shape roll off from the front of the car ahead of me. That car jammed on his brakes and swerved left, then proceeded. I couldn't believe what I saw, so I cautiously pulled around, over and stopped to check. A young woodchuck (aka a groundhog) had tried to cross the road in mid day! Totally stunned, I could easily see it was breathing still, but it didn't budge when I carefully moved my foot near. So I put it in the car and returned home. As I'm driving, it started to come around and moved so it was facing me. I was a bit nervous at that, I thought "what if he reacts like a feral cat? I'm confined in the car with a loose wild animal!," but figured I was in for the long haul now. Got home, grabbed a carrier and moved it into that. I checked on the Internet and found the small mammal rehabilitation was handled by The Wildlife Clinic, so I drove him(?) there. The doctor was called to come check him over, was going to get there about 1 PM. Today (Monday ) I phoned for a report. Dr Chan checked him over on Friday. No fractures, no injuries that she could find. They fed him and let him loose and . . . he RAN like the dickens into the woods! I am happy for him, and relieved he didn't decide to RUN while loose in my car!
Awwwhh, what a cute woodchuck,, do you have any pics of the front of him or just the back half of him/her.. I bet he/she was freaked out when he finally came to. Glad you where there to help it.
I thank you for going out of your way to help another of the earth's inhabitants. Too few people today would even bother to give him a second thought. Thanks for caring.:angel:
That's positively awful! Thank you for posting it before I could do it -- you saved me a lot of embarrassment.
That is the one and only photo. By that point, I was taking a chance even opening the door of the carrier again; no WAY I was going to try turning him around! If a woodchuck COULD chuck wood, he'd chuck all the wood that a woodchuck COULD; if a woodchuck could chuck wood. :juggle:
When translated to a different dialect, the saying is "How much ground could a ground hog grind if a ground hog could grind ground."