There is a note at the end of the last meeting string of messages for the next meeting in March. It's March. I still drive a Ford Escort, but wouldn't mind meeting some of the others and I promise not to leave too many drool marks on your Priuses. Mythically yours, Lisa Still Waiting for her Salsa Red...
I agree! We need to try for a March get-together. I was unable to make the last one and would love to meet other Prius 'enthusiasts'. My husband calls us 'nuts' but I prefer 'enthusiasts'.
Ooh, you have a Salsa Red. That's what I'm waiting for. I definitely want to meet [strike:543b0c0b83]your car[/strike:543b0c0b83], er you. Lisa :mrgreen:
I tried sending out group emails and such.. but i never set it up. i'll work on all that when things settle down around here. Anyways. I was planning on a meeting. Maybe this could be our yearly meeting? Same place, same time every year? it would reduce confusion and hopefully be our largest turn out. We would have all the other meeting in the year at various places like before. March sounds good... er.. this month sounds good. Would someone like the honor of picking a date? I will spread flyers for the meeting as soon as we can decide on a date. I see hundreds of prius all day long and last time i posted, people responded. Maybe only a few but it was a response.
V8 - not Easter weekend. LisaMarli - I'm gonna have to keep my fob locked up around you, I can tell. Will I need a towel for the drool, too? Heck, I'll be glad to show it off - I do whenever I can.
That would mean the 19th then, to give us the most amount of time to organize. Either that or we go to April. The 2nd is out, but I could also do April 9th. Ooh, April 16th. Celebrate the Day After Taxes! And those of you lucky dogs who got a Tax Break last year can show off why. Ideas for the mill. Lisa
19th.. look at callender..... hm.. i may be able to attend that.. i'm sure i could take the day off work. i usualy can on saturdays. i should make it seeing i'm the moderator. haven't missed one yet i was wondering when someone was going to re post on this subject. i was worried that it was dead.
If it's just folks from Fremont, SJ, and MV, then is there some place interesting in the middle....? Milpitas? Dave & Buster's (Great Mall)? Santa Clara? Ben & Jerry's (the Mercado)? People! Chime in! Louie
with all the other meetings, it's been open places.. or areas where we were alone away from everyone. i like the idea of a more open.. more seen.. kinda like an actual event. BBQs are nice.. but.. if we change atmosphere we may attract different people. great mall.. dave and busters sort of ideas seem interesting.
I like Lisa's idea. "Ooh, April 16th. Celebrate the Day After Taxes! And those of you lucky dogs who got a Tax Break last year can show off why." I also like the idea of a large area to have the meeting at, BBQ has worked well at the last couple of meets.
If anyone is or was keeping track of the national meet idea. I mentioned (if we do time zone meets) that Pacific could meet at Standford/Palo Alto area. It has open spots and is very prius aware, but lost when it comes to facts like break in periods, short trip penalties, etc. I met a guy yesterday who's selling is 05 because he feels he has to learn to drive it. He was getting low 40's on his first tank and about 38 on his second tank. I told him it was normal and there is a break in period along with warm up times. Still a lot better than his 11mpg mercedes.
Time to revive this subject. Let's have a meet this month. either a saturday or a Sunday. Sundays seem to work better for most. I want to have this meet sooner than later. I may be leaving the state in May for a while. I purpose we hold it at a location that's seen. Somewhere in Palo Alto. i drive through there.. but finding a good park is hard. maybe standford parking center. I'm thinking there would be permits needed to hold a meeting there.. ... hmm.. so.. I need ideas. I drive the entire peninsula all day long.. but can't come up with a decent thought to where we could have a meeting. Last year, Shoreline had a good turn out. It's very easy to get to. Standford is kindof near there. Benicia didn't have a very good turn out. neitehr did north. Most prius owners are West and south it seems. I know hundreds and hunreds live in the West/peninsula bay area. I see them all daylong. Ideas?
We were just at a park on Sat. that was pretty nice. Quarry Park at about Decoto Rd and Paseo Parkway in the north part of Fremont. Has some lakes and some nice picnic areas as well as fishing for those so inclined. Looks like there was a free section with a small lake (didn't go in there) and one where you pay $5.00 a car (dogs $2 extra). Other parks that come to mind in my area don't have enough parking and are guaranteed to be packed. Any other suggetions? I liked the Great Mall idea by Dave and Busters and it wouldn't be too crowded in the early afternoon on a Sunday. Could go inside for lunch or a snack, too.
I've been there... at night.. but from what i saw, it's a very nice place. plenty of parking too Great mall is a good idea too.. hmmm.. i need to get group emails set up... hmmm
April 16 sounds good to this tax accountant. How about in San Francisco in the parking lot at the 'new' estuary in the Presidio? Could be photogenic with the bay,sailboats and bridge in the background.
Go for it, folks! I'm afraid that I will be on my way out of the area for a conference trip that day, and I won't be available again 'til May. Have fun! Louie
from what i gathered.. this fell through.. so.. i'm picking a random date first all.. read kkister1492's comment above. we'll have a meeting in that park. we have not done east bay yet. Fremond is east bay right? little tired today. we need to have some sort of meeting. If we do this, i'll pass out flyers to hundreds of prius owners. we could do a BBQ, maybe have some wine. I'm thinking we could do a raffle type of deal too. Maybe a pot luck type of thing. It could be really cool soo.. that park... on... *looks at calender* ... .. ... May 15th or 20th. that gives time to advertise for it and plan wha we can do. also gives time for me to gather a few things. I used this post because people will get post replies in their emails i should build our S.F.BayArea webpage and put up our mailing list too...
I take it you actually mean May 15 or 22, since the 20th is a friday. Hey, I can bring my Toyota Prius! It will actually be a 1 1/2 months old. kkister1492 - Your Salsa Red is now safe from my drowl marks. (I'm leaving them on my own). Fremont seems reasonable. Lisa
I thought I'd have to double wax my car to make the drool bead up and roll off more easily. Such a relief!! As for the date - Lets pick the one when it won't be raining. Either is fine with me.