I'm trying to find a Prius to test drive. My ideal is to find one to rent in South Ga., South Al., or North Fl. or a dealer that has one to test drive. Anybody have knowledge of a rental or a dealer with one within a couple of hundred miles of Albany Ga. (SW Ga.) If there just isn't one available, would someone be willing to show me theirs? My wife and I could fly within a couple of hundred miles and I would be willing to swap a small airplane ride for a Prius ride. Currently I have a gas bill of $400 to $500 a month and a Prius would cut that in half or more, but I just can't bring myself to buy a car without any experience with one.
Avis I'm sure has one or two somewhere, but I'm unable to find one. Whenever I tryto rent one locally by internet, the Prius isn't offered as an option. Any ideas? Example, you can't get one at Atl. Hartzfield either
Search Hertz's "Green Collection." The Toyota Prius is brand-reservable in that category. The rate varies by demand, but I got one for around $33 per weekend day.
Can't help with the location, but the Hertz Green Collection provided me a reservable Prius from Albuquerque, which isn't the largest city in the US. They have a great weekend rate (Fri thru Mon). The rental experience convinced me to order one (still waiting), and was a whole lot better than the typical dealer test drive.
Thanks guy's I found a dealer a couple of hours drive away that will rent one for a week for about $290. I stupidly didn't ensure that was after all charges. I really can't find out much in a dealer test drive. I think you need if possible to "live" with a car for a couple of days, buy groceries, drive to work etc. If I end up with a Prius, it will be my first economical car since our VW golf diesel years ago. I'm not sure we can live with one again, but a gas bill of around a $150 a week, something needs to give.
before you rent, can you just sit in one at a dealership? just to make sure the seats are comfortable, etc.
I have test driven a used one on about a 3 or 4 mile loop, but you can't really tell much from that. The sales person basically knew nothing about the car etc. Between this forum and driving it every day for a week, I should be about as familiar as I can get.