I have a 05 Red Salsa # 5 waiting to be sent to my dealership within 1 - 3 weeks I am told. Which is more important? #4 HID lights or #5 Anti theft system and 6CD player? I am not interested in # 6 as I don't think I will use the navigational system for the $2600 additional cost. Please give me some advice?
Not to make your life/decison more difficult, but the BC (#6) package is a lot more than a NAV...I think it's misleading that they call it a NAV package. If they called it the Hi-Tech Package maybe it would be better. The Bluetooth system is very convenient, the JBL stereo is pretty decent, the NAV itself is actually handy too...and I didn't really want or expect to use it, but when you need it you're sure glad it's there. The available voice commands are a sweet convienence as well...and something that really makes this car feel more high tech and luxurious even though I only use a handful of the commands on a regular basis. I don't know how bad crime is in Hooverville, or if you travel to areas where crime is bad on a regular basis, but you can probably live without the HID headlights making the #5 a little better choice. of the two.
HID headlights are also somewhat bad for bad crime neighborhoods, as they're quite the popular theft commodity.
HIDs are very nice. You especially notice it when you drive someone else's car without HID . . . they seem dim. The fog lights are kind of useless for better viewing in fog because the HIDs do an outstanding job on their own with their very low and abrupt cutoff line between dark above and light below. They just don’t illuminate the fog up higher in your line of view like regular lights do. Though the fog lights may help with others seeing you. I think more important than the HIDs is the Vehicle Stability Control (VSC) on package #4 (AM) and package #6 (BC). VSC is Toyota’s name for Electronic Stability Control . . . “35-41 Percent reduction in single vehicle crashes in passenger cars with ESC.†“30-56 Percent reduction in fatal single vehicle crashes in passenger cars with ESC.†http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/cars/rules/regrev...ate/809790.html http://www.hwysafety.org/news%5Freleases/2...04/pr102804.htm I chose safety over sound.
Gee Cyclesome, I think this is kind of a personal decision. I do like the HID light, a vast improvement over my last car. Are you in need of an antitheft system? If so, maybe the HID lights wouldn't be a good idea. And, does the convenience of having 6 CD's available make sense over having the ability to have only 1 CD in the stereo? Good luck in your decision! -bob
I'd agree with the choice of safety over sound...and I'm sure it's easier to put in an aftermarket CD changer and some speakers than it is to put in aftermarket VSC (which I've never even heard of) :mrgreen:
I love HIDs! My night vision isn't great, and in rainy weather normal headlights don't do crap to light the road ahead.
I wish the dirt roads were identified and avoidable, but when I want to go home the NAV does get me there, no matter where I've wandered. Could help unless you NEVER go anyplace you haven't been before...
Thanks for all the advice. I decided NOT to for go the Salsa #5 already in the US and awaiting shipment to my dealership. Instead, I ordered the Salsa #4 with the HID headlights and VSC. The anti -theft pakage in # 5 is not as valuable in my area as safety is.since I don't live in a crime ridden area. As for the 6 disc changer I could always have one nstalled later on if need be. My Salsa # 4 is due in one month. I think May is probably more likely.