I just bought a 2004 Prius with Nav and have seen posts about updated DVDs. I am heading into Boston, where many of you may know, there has been major construction in ther past few years - changing the major routes in and out of the city. Will my Nav know these new routes, or is it using 2004 data? Thanks BB
Ultimately, it depends on your Map DVD version, the current version is 7.1, and 8.1 should be released soon, updates are released annually around September/October. To check the version, if I recall I think you press the Menu button and then another button (?) to check the version. However, often road changes take 2-3 years later before they show up on some nav systems. This will of course vary by area and data provider. Bottom line - even if some of the roads are changed as a result of the "Big Dig", you may have to temporarily follow the old fashioned signs until the car recognized familiar territory and gets you back on track. Good luck!
Most of the changes are in the City of Boston directly. I have friend who rent Hertz with Never Lost and they complain about changes. Heck, I've lived here all my life and I get confused.