I have seen a few people post here about the ability to lookup local and regional inventory of Prius cars on Toyota's website. However I have not been able to find this feature. When I go to http://www.buyatoyota.com/ it says: "Inside you'll get: new vehicle inventory ..." I enter my zip code and get in and I dont see anything that will let me lookup inventory for multiple dealers. I can go to each individual dealer and lookup their inventory but that is not very useful. Ofcourse they have a "Request a quote" feature that I can send to a dealer of my choice. However that is not very useful to me either. I would first like to find out who has the car I am looking for in stock so that I can request a quote from them.
Used to be, if you used 29223 you'd get into the SouthEast Regional Inventory, but I was never impressed with the accuracy of that. No idea if any other region actually worked...
I thought if you built your Prius on toyota.com and put in your zip code you'd hear from all the dealers in the area... I built mine that way in Denver and know all the dealers here left me e-mail about their waits and costs of the car... I bought my Prius that way... you can also find the name of the internet sales person on most dealer websites, you can make a blanket request and paste it on all the websites... they will answer you, I'm sure Bob Andersen
To search regionally, use the Toyota dealer locator to find any dealership in the target region, goto their webpage and do a new vehicle search for the Prius. The list you receive is actually a regional inventory. If it says 'In Stock' it means the vehicle is actually at that dealer. If it just says 'Available', it's somewhere in the region but won't tell you where. To find it, you just have to go to each dealer in the area and repeat the search until you find the one that lists it as 'In Stock'. This is what we did to locate the Prius we wanted in only three days from the start of search. It looks like the inventory search for the Prius has been turned off again though. When I just now tried, it just gave me a form to fill out for someone to contact me, at least in my region. Perhaps it's still working in areas with a larger Prius inventory.