Why is this site still so slow to navigate in? I have a 5MB Internet connection and other sites I go to are speedy but not this one. It gets very frustrating at times and reminds me of dial up speeds.
Fast enough for me. Faster than some sites, slower than others. Heckuva lot faster than dialup though.
This forum is one of the slowest forums I visit. At times it's faster, typically it's just barely sub par, but at times it's as slow as heck.
Advertisements are to blame, specifically: googlesyndication Watch your status-bar. If that URL is displayed, just refresh or click the link again. You'll see a drastic improvement. .
Site is fine for me cant tell much difference between this site and other like it...Few months back it was really slow but Danny fixed that problem..
I'll second the advertisement comment. With my Linux/Firefox setup, I can see the offending sites. The holdup is always the advertising. Unfortunately, the code on this site waits for some of the advertising to load before it gets on with the rest of the page, so you can get some long waits. Other advertising sits and spins after the load, but that doesn't hold me up like it does with some browsers. Tom
I took a more detailed look. It's ad.yieldmanager.com that is causing the slowdown. The browser sits and waits for something from that site, probably a banner ad. Tom
I don't even know what that site is - I'll take a look into it. We might move back to being solely on Google Adsense because so far Natural Path Media hasn't put us on any campaigns. If anyone wants to be an advertising manager for the site, let me know
at home its usually pretty quick for me, but at work its hardly even usable lately. The company I work for is pretty aggressive at blocking offensive websites so my suspicion is that some of the ads are associated on servers known to have "problems" and it just hangs up while waiting. It also doesn't help that at work I am forced to use a four year old browser IE 6.0.