Got mine today. However within 30 minutes I have made 2 trips back to the dealership... Trip #1: Notice a dirt spot on the cloth on the driver side panel. Seems like some service guys with a dirty/oily hand leaves some marks Trip #2: Front lic plate holder was broken, because dealer using wrong type of screw to secure the plate, and the screw was not the right thread and broke the plastic Will have to go back next week for the "detail guy" to do the clean up. So far not too impress with the dealership, because the car was not so clean on Day 0 compare to when I first get my Saturn 8+ yrs ago.
Now a newbie question, how often your Prius get fill SoC. I have driven for almost 120km rbayesterday, I hardly have the battery show green. When I first pick up my car, the batt was halfway. At one point, when I was stopped at a bus stop and waiting for my friend to catch a bus, it drained to one bar left! But then on my way to downtown, it finally turns Green, one bar short of full charge. Then when I got home I think it is blue (maybe just one bar short of green) As I said, I am still a newbie, and still experimenting... Also I can now understand/see/feel the need of plug-in option....
Just finished washing my car.. Gezzz... What a difference! I am not sure if they even washed my car when they give it to me yesterday. Ripped one strip off Toyota!
Sorry the hear of the less than perfect delivery of your Prius...that's terrible. Half of the thrill is taking delivery of a brand-new car that has been thoroughly detailed. I hope they compensate you for their lack of effort !! p.s. they even removed all evidence of dealer advertising on the car....
Well the sales guy said he will call me on Tue (is holiday here on Monday in Canada eh) And let me know when the 'detailing guy' is in and will ask him try to do a clean up. Also he is giving me the all weather floor mats (that's before delivery), but they were not in stock, and should arrive on tue as well... Will see. Meanwhile, last night, outside temp is cold enough, so for the first time I don't need AC on while driving. Plus the road only have a few cars, and I can practice "Pluse & Glide". Now I can really appericate the technology build into Prius. I was able to roam around the shopping mall in battery only (Finally get the green bar for more than a minute, but still one bar away from full charge). Able to use the battery power to coast part of the way at 70kmh. And feel the reward by let off the gas and slowly roll to stop light (no cars behind me hehe!) and see the energy is being store in the battery. So far after 3 days, 400+ km of driving, used maybe little more than half tank (5 bars left) of gas, it shows 5.2l/100km... Still room to improve.