I'm posting this here has I thought the maintenance forum seemed too technical, and this doesn't seem a real "modification".I recently installed a InvisibleMask ( Invisiblemask.com) on the front bumper of my Prius and thought I'd share my experience. I bought this as while looking for a Prius, the first dealer that had the Package 3 that I was interested in, had the 3M product installed for $1000 (I passed, the sales agent when she called that she had "My Prius" even when I asked if there were other accessories, sprung as a surprise upon being presented with the sales paperwork that the Prius came with a $1000 3M scratch protector accesory (I immediately inquired if she had seen the motion picture, "Fargo" which is amazing for a small scene where some hard working couple is informed that their pre negotiated price of the car is $500 higher because the factory added a "clear coat" which the dealerhad nothing to do with!). Anyway, I figured I'd look into this matter and found that a bumper kit was $159 which included an installation kit (special squeegie, spray bottles, trim razor, special 3M cloth and free shipping). The actual $1000 package included mirror, front hood, and headlight protection and had a 5 year warranty against rock chips or breakage to the headlight housing from rock chips-I ve owned 3 vehicles with the newer housings and have never had one break from a rock chip. Buthave had plenty of the old glass sealed beam lights break sealed beams were of course $1.99 to replace). So after looking at the video I bought it. I'm not so sure I would have done this again as it took me 4 hours to get the kit on (I suspect, it would only take me 2 hours now, and maybe after 3 installations 1 hour). There is substantial issues with complex curves that you are trying the get the film to attach to, then is the tiny bits of dirt that you are trying to get off the sticky part of the film (not an issue if you have the black or charcol gray Prius). Then when all is done are all those nasty bubbles of fluid that you need the insulin syringe to suck out (one is included, but they don't warn you it is one of those new fangled safety syringes, if you push the plunger all the way it locks with the needle so it can be withdrawn into the body of the syringe for safe disposal). I'm likely too self critical as I see every small imperfection in my application technique (if I didn't know anything about my Prius, I suspect I'[d not even notice). Several tricks: Follow 3M's suggestion use 4 drops of baby shampoo (not 2 or 3). To get the edges to adhere, use a dry paper towel to press filmly, this will draw off excess water; spraying with the dilute rubbing alcohol is not enough. The hood and the light kit should be easier as there is not the complexcurves of the bumper areas..... I would NOT rate these kits as "easy" to install....
I had my entire prius wrapped in venture shield ( VentureShield ) by an approved installer. Entire deal was $700 including window tinting. Worth every penny - saved my paint countless times. Will never get a new car without it. Basically same product as the 3M... BTW I have the 3M part # if anyone wants it... but they wont sell you small rolls...
I had my front bumper, hood, mirrors, back bumper using 3M and windows tinted for $450.00. I've taken a few 1000 mile trips and not had any problems with rock or other damages to my Prius (black).
WOW! the wrapped your whole car and tinted the windows for $700. That has to be the deal of the century. I had the front of my Prius done and it was $400.
The cost of the materials alone to wrap the bumper, hood, lights and mirrors comes to over $400. I'm sure the installers get a healthy discount. So $400 for the front is a great buy as these are a real PAIN for the DIY option!
How long have you had your VentureShield on? One of the best local body shops has started offering VS. I am curious as to their longevity,yellowing,etc. Currently have a bra,not really happy with it's looks.
just over a year now... had hood, bumpers, fenders, mirrors, lights, door edges done. WOrked like a charm... there's a very telling rock "scrape" in the venture shield on the hood that squirrels its way up about 7" or so... you can see where it hit and skittered along the hood... without the ventureshield that wouldve been some major damage... only bummer is the hit on the rear bumper that is outside the protected area by about an inch... cant say more good things about this product (or any similar product)... also highly recommend professional install. worth every penny.
475 is a fair price if it includes fenders, bumper, hood, and mirrors, excellent if headlights are included (A wise choice, IMO) $40 seems like a bit high on the edge guards, they are by far the easiest/fastest thing to install. I did my own, using ventureshield. Research on tintdude.com indicated increased longevity, more subtle appearance, and easier install. The install is tricky, but I am happy with, and proud of mine. I also got a little bit of extra material (at no charge) and did the side mouldings, since they are prone to scuffs. Then I got carried away and did the sharkfin, just for fun. Great stuff. If you do it yourself, just start with the easy parts (fenders) then move on to hood, mirrors, lights and finally the (difficult) bumper. I recommend getting a kit with a 2-piece bumper, as it is certainly easier for the amateur to install.
Nope,can't do it my self-five thumbs you know! The quote is for entire front minus the headlight. I am not concerned about door edges as I always park away from the "pack". The only problem is time,they are booked for three weeks. Heck,at my age my drivers license might be suspended by then!
Im hopefully getting my prius soon and was thinking about installing ether the 3M or other similar product. One of my friends who hs a prius brought something up that i dident think about and maybe someone with the stuff installed for a while can comment wether this is true or not. Wouldent the paint fade at different rates on the parts with and without the films installed? I have this mental image of the front and back halfs of the prius being different shades of red/gray/etc if i ever went to take off the stuff after some years.
I purchased a kit from Invisible Mask, I used what I believe they called 3M Aero film at the time, now they call it Invisi-mask film. It's been on the car for about 10 months now, and still looks perfect. Zero peeling edges or discoloration. Already saved the car from quite a few rock chips, one that did tear the film a little, but without the film would have taken a chunk out of the hood. Invisible mask were very good to deal with, I accidentally dropped one of the headlight pieces onto my garage floor while installing, rendering it useless as it picked up all sorts of debris. They took pity on me, and sent me a single light replacement for next to nothing, very good customer service. If you take your time, it's actually not that hard to do well, so long as you have a garage or similar area. Trying to apply outside could be challenging as I suspect any wind could drive you nuts whilst trying to install the film. Overall, I would do it again without hesitation, and will do to the next Prius we get.
I researched fading differential, and it seems to not be a problem. The material is engineered not to let the paint fade differently (unlike regular bras) . I don't know about how it would be in the really long term, but over five years it seems to be fine for most. Of course, this is assuming you keep your car reasonably well cared for, waxed occasionally, etc. One thing that should be stressed in any clearbra thread is the value of doing this immediately. Prius paint chips easily, and once damaged the bra won't seal perfectly, and it will leave little boubles.
My VentureShield has been on the car about a year and has saved a scrape to the bumper. The film is UV neutral so the paint fades equally. It looks easy when a pro does it but it does take a long time. Get as much of the car covered as soon as you can.
since the original application was for protecting leading edges of airplane wings and nose cones in aerospace, I'm sure that it's more than good enough for anyone's econobox on this site.
Hey I like that,econobox:faint: Next time someone tries to make a scurrilous statement about my Pri I can reply-hey,my econobox is better than yours!