Both Hertz and Enterprise offer the 2004 Prius as rental cars here in Northern Virginia. I asked one of the rental car sales people when they would be selling off such cars but they didn't know. Any ideas how this might work or whether the 100K warranty would transfer over?
Usually once a car reaches a certain # of miles or after a certain # of model years they'll sell off their rental fleet vehicles. Any remaining warranty should be valid, and if it's under the basic 36k warranty you can add on the Toyota extended warranty, otherwise I would suggest an extended warranty from or a company like that. There are also some actual Rental Used Care Sales Showrooms around. Rental cars seem to stay in service for 1-2 years and rack up 20-30K miles. Yes, the bulk of the warrantee transfers over as far as I know. However, I suspect there is some sort of deal where Employees can get dibs on cars, and I'd be surprised to see Prii appear on their normal sales.
I'd actually stay away from resold renal cars.. Just because I know what my friend does with them each time he gets one. The $7 insurance lets you do anything you want with it, and you don't get in a trouble. He messed up a focus pretty good over his christmas break. I'll try to get photos to show what I mean. On a similar note, does anyone know of a car rental place in New England that has a 04 prius available? I figure it would be the quickest way to test drive one.
Longo Toyota in El Monte California says it has received some used 04's from Enterprise. About 10 of them. Didn't say what package, but the price was close to 24K for vehicles with anywhere from 3000 to 7000 miles on them.