News Radio 1200 WOAI San Antonio Texas Three Men Lead Police in a 100 MPH Chase---in a Prius! Environemntally friendly trio arrested By Jim Forsyth Thursday, July 31, 2008 A Toyota Prius may be a hybrid, but it can still give police a run for their money, as officers learned on the city's north side this morning, 1200 WOAI's Michael Main reports. It started at 1AM, when an environmentally-sensitive gunman stole the Prius from its owner in the 400 block of Sage Bluff. A patrol officer spotted the Prius a short time later, and the chase was on. The suspects led officers, at speeds of up to 100 miles an hour, down Loop 1604, over to 410, and then down Interstate 37 in a chase that lasted nearly an hour and a half. It finally ended when the suspects crashed the stolen, but very fuel efficient, Prius into a house in south Bexar County. All three men bailed out and tried to hide, but all three were spotted by the police helicopter and arrested. They are in the greenest cells in the Bexar County Jail. Nobody in the house was hurt. The gun the men used to steal the car turned out to be a paintball gun.
At 104 mph my Prius MFD shows 18 mpg. I suppose it could be higher, but P&G is not all that effective at those speeds. :director: Thankfully not radar verified!
at 90mph I get about 34mpg... so their gas mileage must have been crappy. Maybe they thought they could outrun the cop car by having it run out of fuel first.
Hmmm well it said they used a paintball gun, so probably the time-honored Point-threaten-steal method was employed.