Do the 2008s come with a temporary or permanent plastic film on the top of the rear bumper on the flat side behind the hatch back. The reason I'm asking is because I first noticed it today when I saw a small piece (half dime size) of the film with dirt under it. Should it be taken off or left on? Thanks.
If it's what I think it is -- a bumper appliqué -- I would leave it on. It's designed to protect the top of the bumper from scratches. I'm envious. I had to pay extra for mine and apply it myself.
i have a bumper applique (though i wanted the actual rubber guard) and it's quite shiny and says "Prius" on it. unless you are talking about something else, in which case I would remove it
It does not say "remove before use" It does not have the word "Prius" on it. It might be a dealer add on, I know there were a bunch. Next time I take it in I'll have the dealer replace it, then I'll know for sure. Thanks for heading me in the right direction.
This is absolutely the bumper protection that you paid about $60 for whether you know it or not. So DO NOT REMOVE IT!!!!!!
Ha ha! I wish. If it was any other car I could have squabbled but on a Prius it is fruitless, and they know you know it. D. A. Thanks, that is what I'm kind of thought. Just seem like it would last for more than 500 miles. quick update: Found out it was a dealer add on, so now I get to squabble about them replacing it - 3 weeks old.
Ah huh, I was about to correct my hastily written post and say, ask your dealer, that's why he/she gets paid the bug bucks. Glad to see you have the answer and a solution.