"The Toyota Prius has been the undisputed king of green cars so far, selling more than 1 million units worldwide. Indeed GM vice chair Bob Lutz has publicly stated it was in part the Prius’ success that spurred him to launch the Chevy Volt" "So while the Volt program and GM’s openness about it has been great for us all so far, it looks like the competition is learning something from our enthusiasm as well." "Enthusiam" from a product that is not available. What a bunch of BS from the people at GM-Volt, if anything GM has learned from Toyota.
"Volt Wannabe"?! Where's that come from? In the first place, the Prius exists. I drove one this morning. Passed about a dozen more on the street. Secondly, The Volt is a "competitor wannabe" that's more hype than anything with Cd numbers all over the place, price ranges in flux, and driving capacity changing with each new round of testing. Volt wannabe. Whatever.
I really don't need to know anything about the Volt. I already know the most important thing ..... it's made by General Motors. :tongue1: /nuf said really
It appears to have more of a boxy appearance. I like the rounded version better. But if it offers better MPG, I'm on board!!!
Don't you mean, "NOT" made by General Motors? ... since it's not made? Now IF they ever make it, some of the parts WILL be from China, according to GM P.R. but that doesn't stop Walmart ... and so what if that potentially means lost jobs to high tech battery manufacturing here in the USA. Right? As long as the GM board gets theirs. And btw, NO one more than I, wants Wagoner to 'get his'.
"So while the Volt program and GM’s openness about it has been great for us all so far, it looks like the competition is learning something from our enthusiasm as well." -GM Toyota learned what from the Volt? Adding a bigger engine and making it a little more sporty? Weren't car manufacturers doing that 90 years ago? Is GM suggesting that Toyota somehow just now "learned" this from the Volt? And the use of lithium ion batteries? Did the Volt engineers invent Li-ion batteries? Am I missing something?
First Ever Shots of Next Gen Toyota Prius! Wagon and Convertible to Follow? | NextAutos.com and Winding Road