I have the political fever and am wanting to put a sticker on my Prius. Will it damage the bumper paint? Better on the lower rear window? Hard to remove?
I would think its better on the window glass somewhere. The paint can be kind of thin and brittle I have been told. Up to you however...
The paint on the Prius is pretty thin and easily scratched. I would put it on the window also. I don't like stickers on my Prius, but I wish you best of luck with yours.
1) I personally avoid stickers on cars. 2) I personally avoid political stickers on cars. 3) I personally avoid political stickers on a car that already generates animosity among drivers due to fuel costs. Oh, if I were to put a sticker on a car, I'd put it on the glass do to the reasons others have cited. Mike
The only sticker I have had, or will ever have, on any of my cars is the annual safety inspection sticker that is required by HI law. As for a political sticker, why ask to get your Prius keyed?
Personally, I am against political statements of any kind, I doubt seriously that anyone was ever swayed by a bumper sticker! At least i would hope not! I also think it wise for Prius owners to keep a low profile, not hard to do since we don't spend much time at our local gas stations.
If you'd like to make a political statement without the risk of someone keying your car consider this: Anyone who disagrees with your choice in a candidate is by definition, an idiot. Only idiot would key someone’s car. To avoid having your car keyed, place the sticker of your candidates opponent on your bumper. If you want to have a bit of fun with people, place the bumper sticker for your candidate and their opponent on your bumper. It seems likely that if someone notices that you have both, it will be more thought provoking than having just your candidates sticker on your car. If you like that idea, go all out and place Metallica and square dancing stickers on your car too.
Good choice in candidates, by the way, but like everyone else, I don't put bumper stickers on my car, I still laugh at all the one that still have the W'04 stickers still on their car.
Your choice of automobile already makes a strong and effective political statement--why taint it with mere words? - Doug
My GF decided to risk "Republicans for Voldemort" on her Civic, thinking that anyone who understood it would be unlikely to key her. So far, so good... having had a previous car keyed for no obvious reason I haven't put anything political on my beloved. goats: the store : sticker packs
My neighbor bought a new car six months after the 2004 election and put a fresh "Kerry" bumper sticker on it. :crazy:
X2. Get's good fuel economy which helps keep a bit of money out of the hands of countries that HATE Americans... and at the same time it's cleaner for the environment. It's a win win. Mike
While that may be true of your choice, I guarantee you that you are being evaluated for your choice in political terms by at least some folks out there. My co-workers refer to me as a "tree-hugger" (jokingly, I think), although I know at least some of them agree it makes total sense to own such a car.
Sometimes I wish I could scream out that NOT ALL PRIUS DRIVERS LIKE OBAMA. Not saying I will vote McCain, but Obama was (change!) by no means my first choice for candidate. Obama, yuck! My car is for myself and family, better savings, the environment, getting away from foreign oil dependancy, getting away from oil in general, etc. It does not define the party that I vote for.
Do you still see a lot of those in Texas? I think I saw one here in the Bay Area the other day... I was astonished. It was like discovering a Nazi in Tel Aviv!
I have lived long enough now to realize that someone always dislikes the sitting President. You can go back to Kennedy and before or forward to President Bush and find those that think that person was the worst ever. In my view Demoncrats have the most 'worst ever' types. Repubs are right up there tho. Truth is we Americans tend to blame the President for our own failings. Word.