I replaced a 1998 6-cylinder 4Runner and the premium went up $60 a year. It's Nationwide, two 50-year old drivers, relatively low rates in this part of the country.
I replaced a 2000 Ford Explorer with a 2008 Prius and my premium went up $5 a month. I had expected much more since the Ford's value was down to zip.
Sold my Honda CRV '03 to a frieind, thats another leason learned, and insurance went up $124 a year. Will shop around again to see if there's anything better.
I know this is an old thread, but I really have to chime in. We just replaced an '07 Solara Convertible Sport with an '07 Prius Base (the value of the two is roughly comparable, though we'd do better if the insurance company considered mileage, because the Prius came with 106K on it), and the premium just for the Prius (this is Progressive) went up from $800-something every six months to over $1400! Our driving records aren't perfect, but not horrible either (one traffic ticket for me in the past three years, and a couple of other at-fault claims, and nothing for my wife) but we were forced to switch to Progressive a year ago after State Farm dropped us for filing too many claims, even though we weren't at fault in all of them (ordinarily minor damage has never bothered me, but the Solara was the first nice car I'd ever had, and I wanted it to stay nice--but what pushed us over State Farm's limit was getting married, hence increasing the total number of incidents/claims in the household). This is Texas, and high rates here are par for the course, but a jump approaching 80% is pretty excessive. Hopefully we can find another insurer.
I bought a used 2005 Prius to replace a 2004 Nissan Sentra that was totalled through no fault of my own (was rear ended by a lead foot pulling away from a red light). Essentially no change in premiums though maybe if they hadn't sent me a check for the prior car I would have gotten lower rates? I always hate the conversation/online process checking prices when I have to say my previous car was totalled.
I am with Geico and have been for decades. Have had no problems at all with Geico; it has processed my very rare claims and not raised my rates excessively over the years. My driving record is squeaky clean--no tickets, no accidents, no recent claims. My deductibles on comp and collision on my 2006 CR-V EX are $1,000. Six-month premium is $554. I just found out in calling Geico for a quote on a Prius V that the premium will be $186 more for each six-month period--$372 more over the full year ($740 for each six-month period). Holy cow. That works out to about $30 more a month. I am astonished that the Prius costs that much more to insure. I have no interest in switching insurance companies. And I have no need for a new vehicle. This might be the tipping point for keeping my CR-V. Just called Geico and got a quote on a 2012 Insight. That premium would be $64 more over each six-month period. The reason? Geico judges occupants of the 2012 Prius to be at higher risk of injury than those of the 2012 Insight, despite the IIHS's having given both vehicles "Good" ratings across the board (and Geico does use the IIHS's ratings as part of its criteria in assessing risk). Very interesting stuff. EDIT: Just called Geico again for a quote on a 2011 Prius Hatchback, and it was $66 more per six-month period than is the CR-V. This rate is in line with the Insight's ($64 more per six-month period). Maybe the Prius V's higher rate is owing to the fact that it's a new model?
I traded in a 2011 Hyundai Sonata SE for my 2006 Prius. Insurance went up maybe $50-$100 every 6 months same coverage (full coverage with $500 deductible, no rental coverage) I chaulk it up to the high replacement cost of parts should it be involved in a collison.
All of the above newer cars you're considering are worth more than your 06 CR-V. The Insight is worth the least of the new vehicles. There's very likely little in terms of accident data and stats on claims on the Prius v wagon, since it's brand new.
My experience with GEICO has been quite the opposite. I am surprised that my 6 month premium for a 2011 Prius II is lower than my 99 Camry. 1999 TOYOTA CAMRY - $345.50 2011 TOYOTA PRIUS - $265.70 This is for comp and collision with a $100 deductible.
I have 4 cars insured by Allstate. #1. 2010 Prius 3 #2. 2008 Corvette Conv. #3. 2003 Silverado pick up. #4. 2002 Buick Century The cost is approx. 2 K for six months. We have all the discounts and an excellent driving record. The Prius has the highest premium. When I question the agent she stated " if the prius is involved in an accident there is a good chance that it would be totaled".
Thanks, all, for the replies. Cwerdna, I guess you're right, that the Prius is worth more. You wouldn't think it would be any less safe. (My CR-V has all the side airbags the Prius does.) itengineer, interesting that you've had the opposite experience with Geico. Good for you, though! JGC61, that's along the lines of what the Geico rep told me about the Prius's safety. But then later, the next Geico rep quoted me a rate on the Prius hatchback that was only $2 more per six-month period than the Insight. So I don't know what to think. Are you worried about your safety in your Prius?
Ask 3 agents that question you'll probably get 3 answers because none of them do insurance claims--- they are salespeople first, bureaucrats second. and they don't set the rates and I'd be surprised is most have any practical knowledge on how rates are figured.
For what it's worth: Tonight, Geico gave me a quote on a 2012 CR-V EX, the updated version of my 2006 vehicle, and the six-month premium would be $50 less than what I'm paying. So much for the argument that the newer vehicle is worth more and thus costs more to insure.