Apple is hardly an unbiased source in this, isn't it? Unauthorised it is certainly, because of the Apple EULA. Modified? Do I modify the OS if I install an extra driver and/or change some settings? Interesting stuff for lawyers, and I am in fact really curious to see the outcome. As far as I know, the only relevant difference between a Mac and a Windows PC these days is the firmware (Intel/EFI for Mac and BIOS for PC). But soon EFI will come to the PC/desktop world as well. If PC manufacturers start producing desktop PC's with EFI firmware, how will Apple prevent people from installing OSX on them? They can rely on their EULA, and/or they can build some specifically crafted custom requirements that prevent OSX from installing on non-Mac computers. Neither are very elegant. I think the walls between the Mac world and the PC world are coming down, and Apple will have to show their true colors. The times they are a-changing...
As an extensive XP user fof 5 years and 6 month Vista user, I really can't recall many driver / stability problems. Application hangs now and then, but since I haven't used OS-X much, I can't really say how it compares. But I've personally seen enough Mac users in the office with application hangs, system freezes, file incompatibilities, networking problems, and malfunctioning hardware to believe that it is overall no better than Windows in this regard.
In the longer term I think Apple's strategy will be more and more focused on Consumer Electronics (i.e., personal and home entertainment devices) than on Macs. I think it is a strategy that makes sense for them and they are executing pieces (ipod, AppleTV) quite well. The real question for them is how (or if) they will be able to maintain a "closed ecosystem" as they move to a broader and broader consumer market that is using a wide range of CE devices. Because they led the way with the ipod, the world followed. I don't know that they will be able to replicate this success in the living room as there are too many big players focused on it. But time will tell, and knowing Apple, they will have a few tricks up their sleeve.
From what i've read (I can't find the article now, and don't know how old it is), EULA's haven't been challenged yet in court - In other words, no company has gone to court to uphold the rules and regulations set forth in their EULA... could make for some interesting times