My wife and I own two cars. I mainly drive the Prius because it's what I prefer for probably all the same reasons as the reader of this post. My wife chose a Rav4 mainly for the times she needs a larger vehicle for shopping and such. Each day I drive my car about 3mi to the train station and 3mi back. I still average pretty good mpg (roughly 45mpg) considering I take mostly short frequent trips. Unfortunately, that means the car sits there all day unused while my wife puts the majority of our miles on the Rav4. For many of her trips a Prius would have been a better choice. I couldn't justify leaving my wife the Prius and taking the Rav4 to the parking lot since I have a free parking sticker on the Prius (just another perk of having a hybrid - thanks city of white plains ). Taking the Rav4 would add a considerable expense to my commute. I'm green, but I'm also cheap! :nerd: So I went to the bike store and bought the cheapest bike they had ($350 ). I haven't been on a bicycle or owned one since I was a kid. I mainly run for exercise but getting sweaty on the way to the train station wasn't practical. So instead I ride this bike to and from the train station. The time it takes is roughly the same as driving. And I don't feel so stressed when I get home. Something about the bike ride clears my head and puts me in a better mood by the time I get home regardless of how my day went. On rainy days, or cold weather, I'll switch back to the Prius for my commute. In the meantime, the Prius is now used mostly by wife and the Rav4 sits in the garage for the rare occasion of when either of us will be needing to lug a large amount of items from Costco or Home Depot. Just wanted to share this. Thanks
No more Prius? That's it, man, you're out of the club. Just kidding. That's great news! Commuting by bicycle is just about the best way to go.
Boy if I had your commute I'd be one happy camper. My work commute is 18 miles all highway which includes a 2 mile span (bridge) over the Columbia river. 3 miles to your train station isn't anything on a bike. You are lucky! BTW, make sure you get a really (really) good lock. In fact get two different ones. I hate hearing about bike theft. Oh for those rainy/cold days there's always appropriate gear to purchase. Cheers, -b
Sweet. I also switched to a bicycle. It really does allow you to clear your head. Get some good quality gear to keep you comfortable when the weather turns so you'll keep it up.
$350 for the cheapest bike? i hope you at least got a pretty decent road bike for that much... I don't get to ride much, but I actually got a "hybrid" bike (one that has tires that are better on the road than a mountain bike, but technically can go off-road, unlike road bikes) from Target for $60. For as much as I ride, works pretty well for me!
So what you are really saying is, you prius has been confiscated! Don't be so cheap and buy a sticker for the Rav4 for those rainy days. It's also good to have a dependable back up.
I also take my bike on many of my shorter trips. As you state, it usually takes no more time - in fact, it's quicker most of the time. And as you also state, it absolutely destroys stress. I'm keeping my Prius though. ... Brad
thanks for the comments guys. I was thinking of playing it real cheap and getting something at target too but a buddy of mine described how he got this great bike from target and then started clicking after a week of use. I got a 13month warranty and two free "tuneups" at the bike shop. The guy was really cool about it and I think I got a fairly good deal compared to the prices I've seen elsewhere for the same model. If it lasts me longer than I dont mind paying a bit more. ie Raleigh Route 1 - Dedham Bike But I'm not sure what sort of "gear" I could get for the rainy days.
Howay Th'Herbinator! Sounds like a really practical solution. So was quality assurance the major reason that you bought a new bike from a shop?
A low-end road bike starts at about $850. The lower-mid level bike my wife is eying costs $1250. An entry-level mountain bike is about $350: Trek Bikes | Bikes | Mountain Hardtail | 820 If yo want a bike with a decent fork and components you're talking more like $750 -$850: Trek Bikes | Bikes | Mountain Hardtail | 6000 A decent bike path / comfort bike is $250 - $500 This is what I have my eye on: Electra Cruiser Deluxe 1 Old-school cruiser styling, single speed, coaster brakes, sprung seat. $360 Wal-mart, K-mart, Target bikes are JUNK. Sorry but it's the truth. Better to hit Craig's list and buy a nice $1000 bike for $100 - $200. It's amazing how many people buy a nice bike then sell it a couple years later in new condition for pennies on the dollar. The problem is finding a used bike that fits you.