After checking with 18 dealerships around Dallas I gave up and ordered a new Silver #6 from a dealer in Tennessee. So a week from Monday a truck will arrive at our house and drop the car off. At this point we are on our own. Is this like a regular car where I can just jump in hit the start button, put it in gear and drive off, or do I need to sit around reading the manuals to figure out how it works? How complicated is this thing? I just hope all of you are right about how great this car is, because I have never been closer than 10' to a Prius, and never driven or even sat in one. Regards, rickdm
Sure you can drive it without reading the manual first. But you will want to read it soon. Lots of cool buttons to learn. The main thing is to have your foot on the brake while depressing the Power button. As you will see, you shift up for Reverse and down for Drive. The shifter will pop back to it's original position, so don't worry about that. Lights on the left, windshield wipers on the right. Don't try to figure out what all the buttons on the steering wheel are for while you are driving. Have your foot on the brake to stop (duh) and hit the Park button and then the Power to shut off. Then go read. Mostly, have a great time getting to know this wonderful car.
Pretty easy to jump in and drive, but you'll quickly have questions. If you want a jump start while you wait why not spend $10 at and download the owner's manual and start reading while you wait?
Thanks. $10 for the manual doesn't sound too bad. We are off to Europe on Spring break and it will give me something to read. rcikdm
Just drive it then the car will teach you how to drive it. You will relax, drive slower, drive happy and arrive on time.
I made a deal over the internet for a car 500 miles away having never driven one, either. Even financed it. I was NOT disappointed!!!
Or save time by just hitting the Power button without hitting the Parking button first. You will notice the light on the Park button illuminate - signifying the system set the parking pawl in the tranny. The only times you really need to hit the Parking button is if you are going to temporarily exit the car without shutting down, or sit in the car for long periods without shutting down and be able to remove your foot from the brake. [there are 5 threads here on PriusChat regarding the subject . . . but I ain’t linkin' ‘em all. Just type PAWL the search box on the bottom left.] Oh, and don’t stare at the MFD screen to watch the pretty graphics change. YOU ARE DRIVING A CAR!!!
Who would bother pressing "Park?" I've probably used that button ten times during the fourteen months that I've owned my Prius... Don't worry too much about needing instructions; the Prius drives itself, until you reach a corner. At which point driver intervention is strongly suggested.
Hi rickdm.... You're gonna LOVE your new Prius - congratulations! Another FREE resource for practical Prius information can be found in John1701's web site. John has just published his "plain English" Users Guide. Just follow the link below and you can download his Guide in either .pda or .doc format. And... it's FREE. Look on the opening page of John's site.
:idea: Hello Again rickdm...! After my previous post, I noted that you are in Dallas (as am I). We have a Prius Meetup Group which meets once a month to share Prius information and stories - on a Saturday toward the end of a given month. Please follow this link for more information and photos from our February meeting:
I'd test drive one either at a dealer near home or at a dealer while in Europe, and ask questions while testing one. If you were to corner most any present owner and explain your situation most likely they would spend a few minutes giving you the lowdown on the spot.
Thank you all for the suggestions and encouragement. I downloaded the User Guide from John1701, I think that is going to be a big help. I have always felt that life is too short to drive a dull car, and I think the Prius will definitely not be a dull car. Regards, rickdm
Victor, thank you for the offer. Because of an emergency with my sister I had to send my wife and kids off by themselves to Berlin and Prague. They should be there now. and I understand that it is very cold. I have wanted to see both of those cities for a long time, but sometimes you don't get a choice in these matters. Regards, rickdm
The beep comes if you open the door before you shut it off. IF you just press Off then open the beep. It's some type of warning about the car not charging the battery while in neutral....there's also a warning on the MFD. So, if you come to a stop, press Off, open door and leave car...all works fine. The only time I hit Park is if I'm sitting in the car waiting for someone. As for the original topic of this thread. You'll have no problem getting in the car and driving...although you'll want to take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the controls (especially the auto trans). Make sure and watch the road and not the MFD
I have never not used the park button. It's there for a reason and whether it's necessary or not, I don't care. I would hate for the park button to become jealous of all the other buttons I press.
Helio, Talk with your park button...have a heart to heart...I'll bet you it'll tell you it wouldn't be hurt if you bypassed it when it wasn't necessary. In fact, it may thank you for saving it's useful life. Think how happy it'll be when it's the springiest button on your dash when the car hits 10. Oh, by the way...if the Park button does respond. Would you mind taking your Prius keys and throwing them in to the nearest deep body of water and then walking slowly away from the car and to nearest...umm...Toyota Certified Rubber Room?