everybody! I'm from Romania, Dracula's country. I'm reading PC from december 2007, since I got my 2004 Prius. I found your comunity very well informed about Prius stuff and in the same time all info I found here was and still is verry helpfull. Thanks to all I learned from here, I've started to buy some accessories for my Prius. And the first ones was the EBH and the mud splashguards. Now I have to wait another month till they reach to me, from US. Also I wanted a shark finn antenna, but it seems that my connection in US was unable to order it. Let me ask you something. Is there a way to make EBH to work with 220 volts? Our powelines here supply this voltage and we have to figure out something to make it work.
Welcome to Priuschat. Sounds like you need a 220 volt to 110 volt transformer to drop the voltage to match that of the EBH.
Someone posted a PDF describing installation of an EU-model block heater that runs on 220V, so it's pretty likely that they exist for that market. No idea where you'd look, though. Dealers will probably deny all knowledge... . _H*
Thx. About transformer, I figured that. But I just wished that it was another way, something constructive. Like an EBH made to work with 220V. Maybe, with the increasing popularity of Prius worldwide, someone will produce one. All the best!
This is the post I put up about 220V EBH. "I have a last got my hands on a 230v EBH kit, and it is a Toyota Europe Accessory. I found it on the euro web site , www.toyota-tech.eu Toyota Euro 230v EBH Install Manual.pdf Part number PZ434-G0790-3Z. I ordered it Friday and it arrived from Belgium Tuesday. It is made in Sweden see:- Calix AB Jon the Chief" Jon the Chief
Thank you, Jon. That's another way to install an EBH on Prius. Thing is that I don't like very much making a hole in the front of the car. I'll see if I can change the order I made in US for EBH...
Salut, DarkPRIUS! What do people there think of your car? Is it considered big or small? What's the price of gas?
Salutări! Bine ati venit la Prius chat! Sper să vă savuraţi Prius. Care sunt preţurile de gaze ca în România? Imi place Traducere Google! I love google translate! (Can you tell me if the translator actually works well?) Dave
Yup! It's working. You said something like " Hi. Welcome to Prius chat! I hope to enjoy your Prius. What are the prices of earth gas like in Romania? " . To answer you question , the price is like 6.8 $ per US gallon :-O . Have a nice day! Alin
Oh...Well, at least it kind of got the "idea" right! LOL! :alien: You have no idea what it costs to fill ours up! Earth people have it easy... Dave
Alo DARKPRIUS! Welcome to the forum. I'd be all witty and try to reply in Romanian but the only words I learned were from that O-Zone song (or ) . Hahaha So my reply would not have looked very suave unless you were a really pretty girl. Then I could have said: Alo, Salut, sunt eu, un haiduc, Si te rog, iubirea mea, primeste fericirea. Alo, alo, sunt eu Picasso, Ti-am dat beep, si sunt voinic, Dar sa stii nu-ti cer nimic. Vrei sa pleci dar nu ma, nu ma iei, Nu ma, nu ma iei, nu ma, nu ma, nu ma iei. Chipul tau si dragostea din tei, Mi-amintesc de ochii tai. Then I would start singing.... Ma-ia-hii Ma-ia-huu Ma-ia-hoo Ma-ia-haha Ok, so I bet you hate that song and I'll stop now. My good friend (yes, she is really cute) is from Romania and she hates it when I do that.
Hei Alin, hey all! What about forming our own Romania Prius lovers thread? I'm the happy and proud owner of a 08 Prius with 4440 km on board and I saw some in Bucharest, but very few. Would love to exchange some impressions with others. Raluca
Hello again! @Raluca, that was a good idea, since we don't see to much Romanian Prius owners on romanian sites. So we hope to open a Prius dedicated website in Romania. For now I had contact with only another 4 Ro owners. @F8L, is good that you like O-zone, a Moldavian group who raised up their career in Romania. Aaaaaand, I'm not a girl. @KAR IDEA, thanks for you wellcome. It was relly nice that you said it in romanian. Even google translated. For those interested, here is my thread on masini.ro. 2004 TOYOTA PRIUS EXECUTIVE - Masini.ro Forum. From there you can track another discussions regarding hibrids and another technologies, and general stuff. All the best.
Eeee.. ce de lume pe aici! I will buy a Toyota Prius in next months, so I'll join the club! :rockon: Anyway, all the Americans and the rest of the Europe knows that song, it was renamed as "numa numa song" on Youtube..:lock1: Mult noroc si sa va bucurati din plin de masinile voastre, vine si a mea in curand! Andrei
Andrei, Vă doresc cel mai bun de noroc. Va place masina! Prietenul meu cel mai bun român este şi ea o dată cu pauze de prietenul ei, ea este a mea!
Wow, what a translation!!!(messed up by google). But I think it was about having a romanian girlfriend who broke up with her... friend, and now she's yours. Congrats! p.s. TIP: Google will translate best if your writing is literally correct. :rockon: