Hope none of y'all were affected by this last one today... When the wife and I lost the property around Santa Cruz from the quake, it was years before we got a good settlement.
Yup... sure did. No damage around us even though it was a good roller and shaker. When the aftershock hit, it was almost like having seconds.
I was just upstairs at work and seen it on the CNN monitors. Hope all of our SO CAL PC'rs and friends and family are OK. Heard the even felt it in LAS. :grouphug:
In Santa Ana, about 25 miles from the quake, up on the tenth floor of an office tower. Pretty cool actually. One secretary went hysterical but that was the most of the damage.
5.4? :bored: The way the cable news folks were covering it you'd think it were a 6.4. 5.4 isn't much more than a happy dance. 5.8 and above, THEN YOU'RE TALKIN'.
I sure felt it. I was sitting in a chair outside of my daughter's dance studio for fall registration. I was first in line, sitting right up against a wall of plate glass windows. Once I realized what was happening, I got up and ran! Everything is ok though. Apparently my mom and my daughter had a bit of a scare sitting under a huge concrete patio cover at GoldenWest college. The thing made a very loud noise and my mom had to grab my daughter and run. My daughter apparently got very scared. My dad's laser printer also fell to the ground. My husband and son are in Northern California right now and didn't feel a thing.
Cool, does this mean the land of fruits and nuts is finally going to break off into the ocean and sink???
Thankfully, unlike, well seems like everywhere else, we have building codes Rebar, really good concrete, not mud and NO MAJOR DAMAGE!!! The few things that did fall, like 1930 brick walls, they needed replacing anyway!! Its mother Natures built in Urban Renewal program!! I get really tired of all news outlets, showing the same 1 brick wall that was 90 years old and the crown toppled, the same stock footage of a couple of bottles of food on the supermarket floor, Take what you see, divide by 2000 and the relative magnitude, and I am not talking Richter, comes out!!! Its just another delightful day in Sunny LA!!! I would rather have a couple of seconds of shaking than 2 days of Cat 5 Hurricane, F-5 Twister, or a thunderstorm in general!!! I have been here for 30 years, so I have shaken through them all, well I did miss the Simi quake, but its still the best place to live!!! I love LA! I hate snow too!! 73 de Pat KK6PD
Earthquake was a little scary, anytime you cannot control what's happening around you. Having 200 kids looking around and not knowing exactly what to do. Good training for us to get our emergency training complete.
Huh? I don't get it. How would an earthquake in California make Florida fall off? I mean hurricanes I can see, but that's more of a washing/scrubbing effect. If this place is so loosely screwed down that a little shake, rattle, and roll 3,000 miles away is going to cause us to sink I really need to move back to California, it's safer. Glad to hear that everyone out that way is doing well.
We are out here vacationing in Santa Monica. I actually didn't feel a thing but my wife and daughter caught it. (BTW, there sure are a lot of Prii out here!)
Hope everyone is fine. I'm glad there hasn't been a big earthquake here in the SF Bay Area in a while, but the suspense is getting a bit scary... A bit off topic, but I happened to be in Sothern California like last week too.
What was the quote? 95% chance of a major earthquake in Northern Cal. in the next 50 years? The Hayward fault is the one we really need to be worried about.
I was sitting in the Comfy Chair reading at our home in Palm Springs when a tall floor lamp with a history of spontaneous bending at a junction of 2 pole sections suddenly crashed to the floor, missing my leg by about 2 feet. It was a stupid lamp anyway, and I hated it. No other damage, but it was fun.