The dealer just called & said it's here! I can pick it up tomorrow!! Won't sleep tonight. Now all the headache of closing the deal begins. Can't wait till Wednesday when all the stress is gone & I can just start learning the ins & outs of being a PRII owner! Keep the faith they do actually end up as yours!!
Good luck! I hope that you didn't overpay for your Prius! It seems that Toyota dealers are price gouging on new Prii!
Thank you. Actually it went better than I expected. It still took a long time to get everything done, at least it seemed long. I just wanted to get out of there & go inspect & enjoy my new Prii! A lot to learn. Just went out again to make sure it's shut off & locked, lol. Hopefully will sleep better tonite than last nite now that is in my possession!! :bounce:
And now you won't be upset when driving through the many many construction areas around Chicago since the slowdowns will help your mpg!:hippie: