12:30pm, an earthquake hit the SoCal area with the magnitude of 5.8. Here in Long Beach, I felt a small rumble underneath, followed by a big jolt, a few more small jolts, and then more rolling movements that faded away. My apartment building is two stories high and I'm on the ground floor. I heard a loud CRACK along with the big jolt (sounded like a two-by-four splitting), and I hope the structure isn't compromised. Recent Earthquakes for 118-34 I hope everyone is okay. The news is saying there hasn't been any reports of damage so far, which is good.
Off topic question, what is an EV button? does this allow you to completely go off of electric battery power without using any fancy footwork?
http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-m...s-installed-electric-vehicle-mode-switch.html I guess YOU didn't feel that in Boston. lol.
Yep. Only in San Diego it was just one roll. I waited for more but nothing. Must not have been that close by. So much for heightened senses of dogs. Mine didn't "predict" it at all. No reaction before, during or after.
I think you guys got lucky, we're reporting 5.4 now here at CBS NY. Place went NUTS though as soon as we heard... Dave
Thankfully, unlike, well seems like everywhere else, we have building codes Rebar, really good concrete, not mud and NO MAJOR DAMAGE!!! The few things that did fall, like 1930 brick walls, they needed replacing anyway!! Its mother Natures built in Urban Renewal program!! Its just another delightful day in Sunny LA!!! I would rather have a couple of seconds of shaking than 2 days of Cat 5 Hurricane, F-5 Twister, or a thunderstorm in general!!! I have been here for 30 years, so I have shaken through them all, well I did miss the Simi quake, but its still the best place to live!!! I love LA! I hate snow too!! 73 de Pat KK6PD
The earthquake in Chino was a jolt that woke us up. We forget a earthquake can happen at anytime. We are due for a major one and it may happen sooner that later. Am I ready? No way-
I didn't see this thread until now. I was actually sitting in my Prius at a signal waiting for the light. My Prius started wobbling, and at first I thought it was the motion from an 18-wheeler which passed me. When I kept rocking I thought that the shocks on my new car were spoungy. Then when I saw the round cheeks on the face of the woman sitting in the Saturn next to me it hit me that this was an earthquake. I looked up and the traffic signal arm was rocking a bit. I was so relieved it was an earthquake and NOT my suspension.