If you thought that the guys with big trucks and small genitalia were a problem causing damage to the Prius, check this out: Trapped black bear trashes Toyota - Juneau Empire I think the discussion point should be: “How much could this guy sell his Prius for in this condition?â€
I can think of a couple of things that people need to remember in "bear country." Don't use your Prius to trap bears. Leave it to professionals. From now on, make sure to suspend food and your Prius from tree branches. Every backcountry hiker knows this. I'm waiting for the explanation of how the bear got in the car. I'm having more than a little trouble with the "got in the back door that wasn't closed all the way" excuse. And the bear had the presence of mind to close it once it got in the car? Seriously though, there had to be something in the car that the bear wanted. And I'm not sure that I would have had the "guts" to open the rear hatch to let the bear run free again. Obviously, Prius owners don't have compensation issues. Bears in Alaska, alligators in Florida. When will people wake up and realize that they need to remember where they chose to live? And yeah, the bears and alligators were there first.
I like the idea of seatcovers, maybe not the exact style seen in the pic. Anyone have a recommendation for seatcover. I kayak a lot and afterward you can be a little dirty and sweaty ect.
I guess the rams that hold the hatch could have been broken....other than that, there's no way the hatch "accidentally" closed.
Another thing that mice and bears have in common besides 4 feet! They both are attracted to Prii. Toyota needs to quit making insulation out of peanut butter
Couple of problems with this: They have smiles on their faces Those AWFUL plaid seat covers - OMG! Why did the bear not destroy those? I don't even wanna know what a "pile of scat" is
Wet Okole seat covers were made for guys like you. They are made of wetsuit material, and can handle getting wet and soiled. Only problem is, they look so good, you don't want to get them dirty.
Think of it as recycled salmon and raspberries. It's a good thing the bear didn't find the valet card in the glovebox, though I'm not sure his feet would have reached the pedals anyway.
In Bear Country (such as Yosemite National Park), I always spray my car with Windex before I leave it for the night. I also make sure not to leave food or cosmetics in it. As far as I can tell, bears hate the smell of one of the components of the Windex. I have not yet done the critical experiment: leaving a fresh pizza inside the car, then spraying the car with Windex to see if this deters the Bears.