Did your premiums change much when you bought a Prius? Assuming that the Prius replaced another car in your garage. Ours replaced an '03 Acura TL sedan, much faster and more theft-prone, but our premiums only went down slightly. I chalked it up to much higher replacement value for the Prius, even though its risk of collison is lower.
i can't really compare to the car it replaced, since i didn't have full coverage on it... but my wife just got an 08 Mazda3 and it's cheaper to insure than the Prius...
My insurance went down a bit when I went from an 8 year old Audi A4 to a new Prius. A year later it went down again when Farmers instituted a discount program for alternative fuel vehicles. One thing to remember is that new cars are usually more expensive to replace than several year old cars. When you replace that 4 year old 3 series with a new Prius, don't expect rates to go down too much.
I broke even in this area, however, that's because I'm considered high-risk. My insurance broker assured me that my premium would decrease significantly over the next two years, as long as I keep taking the Driver Improvement courses every 9 months. The Prius has been a blessing in that it's changed my driving habits dramatically. Passengers who used to tell me to slow down and said "I told you so..." every time I was pulled over, are now complaining that I drive too slow, and that "we'll never get there if you keep this up." ound: It's a brave new world right here!
You're replacing an 03 with an 08. I'm guessing that's the difference. Having said that, when I replaced my 05 (Nissan Frontier NISMO) with my 08 Prius, my premium went down. I did have to change carriers (you should also every couple of years) to accomplish this though. Check around - you could save a bundle. ... Brad
We replaced a 2005 Ford Explorer, and the premiums were exactly the same, dollar for dollar. My husband's 2005 is more but that is because he has a point on his record.
The 2007 Prius replaced a 2006 Honda CRV EX, and insurance increased $72.00 per year, with the same coverage. I assumed it was due to newer model year, since the liability rates stayed the same, and the collision/comp rates increased.
Nope, insurance is pretty much the same before and after. In the spirit of full disclosure, I should should add that I did increase some of the coverages to be more in line with where I'm at today vs when I first insured the car that the Prius replaced. (Yes, I know, I should have been reviewing that policy annually, but I didn't.)
Like Stefx, I also replaced a 2006 Mazdaspeed 6 with the Prius. My annual premium only went down $80.00.
My insurance will go up about $80 per year when I finally get my Prius; I'll be replacing my 11 year old Honda Civic EX coupe. At least, that is what they said in the phone call a month ago.
Almost no change for me. The old car was a seven year old fully loaded Maxima. I was 47 at the time - age might be factor on the amount of change in your insurance besides what you were driving before. You might see more variance company by company too.
My insurance stayed about the same, because of my daughter's driving record. I believe it would have gone down also.
you need to really shop around and check out at least seven different insurers before buying. i always chuckle when people get geico and think they saved money when they are one of the most expensive around and advertise so much to make people think they are not. my full coverage insurance was very reasonable for an 08 prius.
We relaced our 2001 Toyota Avalon with the 2008 Prius and the insurance went down more than $150. We have Travelers.
Replacing an '03 PT Cruiser with the same coverage levels, mine went up about $150 per six months. Essentially, it went back to the same level as when my PT was new. I'm going to shop around, though. I'm currently with Progressive.
I'll be replacing an '02 Jeep Liberty 4WD, and my insurance will go up $75 a year. My agent said it's tied into the higher replacement value.