Well what did you expect from Fox News? Does this prove bias? FOXNews.com - Florida Woman . . . So, was a bias revealed?
Well first we know that Fox sent no reporter to cover it, and second, seems like the kind of people that would watch Fox News, so basically nothing new.
Maybe I'm missing something, where's the bias? What does this have to do with Fox News? http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2051767/posts Sorry, just got done with 16yo runaway, kind of slow on the uptake. I get it LOL
Attacking Fox or, more specifically, its viewers, is passive-aggressive behavior. The passive-aggressive approach rarely produces the intended result. But, liberals have a difficult time letting go of that behavior, even though it doesn't serve them very well. Fox was the neocon answer to the perceived liberal bias of CNN and it's easier on yourself to see it that way. Sometimes, I watch Fox then CNN (or CNN then Fox) so that I can get a good idea of what the middle is. Neither as bad as one "reports" or as good as the other "reports". Neither CNN nor Fox are objective and unbiased. The middle is where the truth usually is.
If you're a regular viewer of Bill Maher's show, as I am, you know that he rips Fox on a regular basis. He rips CNN too, though. One time last season, he said that Bush's approval rating was disappearing faster than CNN's credibility. It drew some hisses from his liberal audience but it was pure Maher, he doesn't spare anyone. Well, except maybe for Obama but if he gets elected, he'll be in Maher's sights soon enough.
The headline is a little biased compared to some of the liberal media outlets. The liberal media would have used a different headline. Maybe something like: "Gun owner shots wife in rage. " "Woman hospitalized after being shot by husband" "Husband fires semiautomatic weapon 7 times before hitting wife"
She must have been a liberal, to be attacked by Fox. LOL. I'm surprised she wasn't attacked by MSNBC--for being a she.