Keep in mind I still wash my hands before every time I get into my '08. I'm pretty anal when it comes to damage to it. So my business partner moved into a new place and the moving company wouldn't move his plasma tv's. So we put one in his car, and one in my Prius. I noticed last night, on the end he was carrying, that it dug two holes about half the size of a pencil eraser into my rear bumper. The bumper cover of course is plastic, which is why it was gouged out. I was pretty bummed about it yesterday. I won't allow these to stay. If I have to replace the whole darn thing for $2k, I'd probably do it. It annoys me that much. :rant: Anyway, since they're small, I'd settle for a decent job, as opposed to perfect. Could a body shop easily fix this? Can plastic be filled, then painted? I know zero about body work. In fact, ironically I have a Jeep rock crawler that when I damage something I just cut that panel off with a Sawzall. ...but not my Prius, I take meticulous care of it. It was late last night that I realized the damage happened and I was running late for work this morning so I didn't have a chance to snap any pics. Mike
Sorry to hear about your accident. MSRP of a new bumper cover is $207; a body shop might charge $300 to repaint. I don't know that the holes can be easily fixed since the plastic is flexible. Champion ToyotaWorld
If the damage is in the center part of your bumper, why not just get the black plastic protector PriusChat Shop : Toyota Prius OEM Rear Bumper Protector [00016-47015] - $36.99 to cover the damage and protect it from future damage?
I thought about that... but unfortunately it's towards the right side on the transition where it goes vertical side... it's outside the area where the protector would go...
Wow, didn't realize the cover was so cheap. Cheap is a relative term as OEM parts are typically so expensive.
Did you say "half the size of a pencil eraser"? Dude, it's just a car. And why buy a car that is environmentally friendly only to throw a perfectly good bumper into a landfill?
I'll scrape all the paint off and throw it in my recycle bin for ya.... and I'm planning on just having it fixed.
Yea, that's what I'm thinking. It'll have to be patched up with some type of plastic filler though. These holes literally go through the plastic. There are two small holes. I'd imagine if I looked a bit closer that they're literally clean through to the metal underneath. I'd imagine if I took the touch up paint and just painted over the black plastic that's exposed it will look better. I have several rock chips in the front and a small scratch on the side... those are no big deal. These marks look like I backed into someone. They're very noticeable and I want to do something about them. They don't have to be completely gone... but I'd prefer not seeing them from 30 yards away.
Mike, That sucks mate. I try my best to minimize any damage to my paint as well and so far I've done a great job (excluding rck chips on the front end which you've heard me %$#@ about). I was sitting in my car at a quickie mart and someone getting into an old 1970s junker Ford truck dinged the $%$# out of my driver's side quarter panel. I got out and looked at the damage, then back at the old guy who did it and just wanted to be sick since there was not much I could do about it. In other words.... I feel your pain man.
I suspect that the perceived balance in your mind between "perfect, unblemished condition" and "hard-working hauler with battle-scars" will shift as the car ages. I certainly bought mine with the intent of hauling lots of weird loads, and the rear bumper and the interior are definitely showing some of the signs of experiece ... but ya know what? It's worth it to get the job done, and fun to write up a whole separate webpage about it just to show how versatile the vehicle is. There are also several PC threads about stuff people have fit in their cars, and some of the loads are amazing/hilarious. . _H*
While that load did present a high level of explosive danger, it did not leave any permanent damage. The 24oz. Arizona Iced Tea that exploded in the rear-seat footwell the other day might have though!
I'd get the damn bumper fixed any way you want to and forget anyone who judges you and then goes outside to look at their perfect bumper.
Thanks again Patrick. I did not know the cover was so cheap. I did the same thing to mine. A little different. Closed the garage door on it while it was not all the way in. Put 2 real deep scratches down the middle of the bumper. Never did that before. Now have the plastic ball on a string hitting the window when I pull in trick. Its into the plastic so would need a 3M Plastic Scratch Filler to repair correctly. This stuff: eBay Motors: 3M 5887 PLASTIC REPAIR FOR FLEXIBLE PARTS!! (item 140250549538 end time Jul-27-08 19:10:40 PDT) I got it on eBay for around $20. Then digging around some more i found there's companies that work for dealers who touch up cars and spot paint cars on there lots. They fix dinged doors and lot scratches. You know...all the cars the dealer damages while working on them. I talked to one and he can spot paint mine for about $125. and says it will look perfect. I saw there work and there real good. Thats after I fix the deep scratches and make it paint ready.So maybe $175 all done and said. I know it might fade in the future but not spending $500 on this. Patricks cover isn't bad but you'll have to get it painted. And swap them around. Lots of labor. Pushing $500 again. Lots of laying on the ground. Ouch for me. I got 3 estimates to fix it at body shops and all came in around $400-500. My deductible. I'll post my results soon.
Had a Riveria once that had a plastic bumper cover and they were able to fill the holes and repaint just fine.
that is what i did. 2 spots, both covered....all for $36.99. came in this morning, ptu it on this afternoon after work