Still waiting, but not for long. Got a partial VIN (last 8 digits) and an expected delivery date yesterday: Aug 11. Exactly what I specified at the end of May (silver touring pkg 6). If it actually happens I'll be driving it within the window the dealer stated on May 28. I can Live with that!
Congratulations on the good news! You've been such a positive contributor to this thread that it's great to hear that you have finally taken a step closer to PriusLand.
Which package did you order? Package #2/HG is easiest to come by, followed by #6, so I am told. Base/1220, Package #1 and Tourings are the ones where I believe being on more than one list helps. If you limited yourself to one, or two, colors, there's another reason you'll be waiting. Deposits are refundable by law, but don't quote me. I gut-checked myself, have chosen to believe that and am otherwise flying by the seat of my pants. Anyone else confirm? Could depend upon the state.
Signed contract June 22nd. Called today July 22nd. I am now number 32 on waiting list down from 66 a month ago! At this rate I am looking at perhaps mid September for my Package #3 to come in! Just in time for a road trip!
Ordered my Prius 4 weeks ago. How do I find out where I am on the wait list? Salesman told me he would let me know when it gets in. Is there an inventory list or something I can access online?
I ordered mine July 2nd and it was suppose to be built July 21st and here Aug 30th (2008). I started off wanting a used 2007 but they wanted almost the same as a new one. They said if I did not buy it someone else would. So I said good sell it to someone else. I did have 2 concerns 1- the style is getting older and the new ones may be different---but from the spy shots from Toyota and Honda this is no longer a concern and 2- the price for future hybrids would drop--but today I read that Toyota is increasing the price by $500.00 so all is good.
I talked to my salesman who checked with the powers that be (those holding the list at the dealership) and he let me know where I was on the list. Your dealership should be able to tell you. My dealer said they have been getting about 23-25 a month in.
well, it's "only" two places ... but yes; no "choice" in the matter, really. i mean, what's a guy-or-gal to do if the sales rep says "the only way to get put on "The List" is to leave a $500 deposit ... a refundable deposit if no sale takes place, of course ...." what bothers me, though, is AFTER they say that, i always think i've seen a brief-yet-unmistakable smirk cross their lips .... by the way ... our wait has been eight weeks, three days as i enter this post ....
There is light at the end of the tunnel. Or should I say white. After 10 weeks my Super White package 2, nickname Nimbus, came in 2 weeks earlier than the scheduled delivery. I had a terrible time with my local dealer who still doesn't have any idea when I might have gotten a car. Fortunately I found Scott Manwaring at Ed Martin Toyota Anderson, IN on the net. He didn't require a deposit until I had a Vin and got me my car 7 weeks after I contacted him. I drove there yesterday and everything was ready to go. Total delivery took under an hour with testdrive. MSRP minus $200 internet coupon plus $89 doc fee. Got 53 mpg on 180 mile trip home. Sweeeet! Also, got on the list for a 2010. Highly recommended. BTW well worth the wait.
I've been on the waiting list for only a week. I called and put my deposit down over the phone. My question, is should I have got something in writing? The dealer sent me a quote by email but is that good enough? Basically he said he would sell it to me for MSRP - $300, whether it ended up being a 2008 or 2009. I'm just scared it will come in and they will mark it up. Thanks, Donna
I'm not sure if it is dealer dependent. My dealer sent me a receipt with the quote of the package I wanted + fees and had me sign it (they signed it too) as this is required by Wisconsin. They did put a stipulation that the MSRP would be subject to current value at time of delivery which may not be the same as the quote I got when I got on the list. I personally prefer to have things in writing just in case.
I've officially entered into week nine of waiting for my Prius. I was told my wait was going to be 6 to 8 weeks for a black package 6. I got a call from my salesman yesterday asking me if I wanted a white package 6 which they're getting next week. At this point I've been waiting so long I refuse to take anything less then what I was promised 9 weeks ago. Also, the Prius just looks so sweet in black.
All -- after being on the waiting list since May 28th (8 weeks 4 days ago), the dealer called yesterday and told us that our Seaside Pearl #6 will be ready in 24-48 hours, or tomorrow night. He also called last Wednesday, and when I picked up the phone and said, "Hello" he started reading off the VIN number -- he's a funny guy. We didn't put a $500 deposit down, and I don't think they require one from anyone. Other dealers in the area are packing the price $3000-$3500 over MSRP, and/or give you no choice on dealer-installed extras added at list price (tinting, chrome wheels), and/or require a deposit, so you should shop around. Here in the Sacramento area, I'd recommend Elk Grove Toyota and Geweke ('give-a-key') Toyota in Lodi as the ones who seem to have the highest integrity. Best of luck to everyone on this sub-group -- thanks for the posts. It certainly made the wait a little more tolerable. K-
Well, at least the deposits are REFUNDABLE. Mine wasn't, but it was the only dealer in the area who got the most allotments, so I was ok with that....hang in there!!! That's strange, usually they do a preliminary buyer's order (style, color, options, etc) that also serves as a receipt for your deposit. I guess if you bought it via internet only, and not face to face, their policies differ....but I personally would want something IN only other thought would be that if they can't deliver you an 08, it would be an 09, and probably prices aren't set in stone yet for 2009's, hence the possibility of differing prices..... Yes, it is fabulous in BLACK!! I had the option of getting a #6 in bright blue, but I decided I would have regrets if I didn't buy my black....and when it finally came made the wait all the more worthwhile!!! Keeping my fingers X'd for you, I hope not much longer for you!!!
I am just about entering Week 5. My sales man has phoned TWICE asking if I would take another color. I want RED, and that's that. I don't have a second choice. He says they don't make many red ones and it may take a while. His MANAGER phoned me Friday, would I take a silver? Uhm, no thanks, I'd really like it in red. After reading above, I'll wait for the color I WANT. Fortunately, my current car is fine, so I am not in something on it's last legs. Oh, I also want a Package 3, and they tell me very few of THOSE are made, either. Guess I just have a talent for selecting rare stuff . . . .
I have been waiting since May 13th for Touring pkg 6. Originally wanted White/beige interior but changed to any color the middle of June as long as it's a Touring. Offered a red and driftwood pearl in June, non-Touring, turned them down. On July 2nd, salesman called offering me a Touring Spectra Blue/grey interior said it would be delivered between 7th-14th. I said I would take it, excited I would have it in less than 2 weeks. On the 10th the salesman calls says due to "strike in N.J." we are looking at delivery 24th-31st. Still don't have a VIN #? Getting discouraged!
BTW, I was first on the list for a Touring pkg. 6 on May 13th! It's been almost 11 weeks at #1! Why are tourings so hard to get in Northeast?
Tourings are hard to get in general. They only make up about 5-7% of the prius production. Unfortunately, most of them apparently get allocated to the west coast. If you've waited all this while, I would just wait some more to get the car you really want. It's a pain but I've been hearing nothing but good things from everyone who's gotten a touring.
I'm looking for suggestions here... I have my name on a 08 Prius since about 2 or 3 weeks now. I was told it should get here in late September. But now I'm getting cold feet. I love the Prius and have been wanting one for years. But they are ridiculously expensive here in Canada (I'm paying over $36K with a 5.9% interest rate) and I know the smart financial decision to do would be to buy a Corolla (the model I am looking at is around $24K) and save $12K. I know I wouldn't get as good gas mileage but the difference in price would more than make up for it. $36K seems like a lot of money to spend on a car. The other advantage to the Corolla is that I could have it now instead of having to wait (I sold my car a few weeks ago). But I reeeeeeealy love the Prius! Any advice??