New finish with bonded 'gritty' substance

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by sas0611, Jul 26, 2008.

  1. sas0611

    sas0611 Member

    Mar 26, 2008
    2008 Prius
    I am very particular about the care of my car and their finishes and am considering use of a clay bar on my brand new 08. Read below and let me know if you think it is the correct course to take. I have never used one and I am wondering if 1. it is ok to use on new finish. 2. if there is any possibility of damaging paint or new finish 3. How long does it take to clay bar the entire prius 4. is a mcquier's paint cleaner would be a better option. Now my story...

    I got my superwhite last week and yesterday went to clean it and wiped it dry with microfiber towels. I noticed that my microfiber towel was 'catching' ever so slightly particularly on both sides of the car. Holding the towel lightly against the car I could feel it and hear it if I listened carefully. I had expected it to slide over the finish like glass. The finish looks great and is highly reflective. There is no visible dust or dirt on it. There must be some kind of bonded contaminant whose origin is still puzzling to me and the dealer. I'll be taking it to a trusted body shop next week to let them tell me what has happened (i don't think it was repainted or retouched but the thought does enter my mind).

    Whatever is on the car is either clear or white and extremly small in size, in any event it can't be seen ...only felt. I am quite sure that most owners would not notice this. I am particular but not crazy. I showed it to the dealer and they offered to take it by detailing and let them have a go at it. I said no thinking the problem most likely occured while in their possesion. I had to delay my pickup of the car and it say there for a few extra days. Anyway, I am quite certain that they'd really mess it up trying to remove it (burn paint, swirl, etc).

    I was successful on one section removing the 'nits' by repeatedly waxing with hi tech yellow wax which I believe was from mcquiers but it was a lot of work and now that I think about it I probably drove some of the particle into the paint and caused some swirling but as you know... white is very forgiving (hopefully I didn't do any damage as the particles are so minute).

    I tried Mcquier's paint cleaner on a small section and it seemed to make the job easier but I'm thinking it probably has some abrasives and serious chemicals in it. Not sure I want to use this on the entire car's finish since it is new and without oxidized paint or dull finish (that's what this product seems designed for).

    Thanks in advance for your input.
  2. Bob64

    Bob64 Sapphire of the Blue Sky

    Apr 9, 2007
    2007 Prius
    I've only used a claybar once, but I'd say that it takes about as long as it would take to wax the car.

    As far as I know, the claybar is safe to use on anything, as long as your not trying to remove a huge amount of dirt (like dried globs of mud that are more then 3mm thick) AND you have not dropped the claybar.

    The claybar should solve your problem, the "bonded" stuff may be brakedust or some other contaminate that has caught onto the clearcoat during transport.
  3. biggus

    biggus Junior Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    Dublin Ireland
    2004 Prius
    Sounds like there is overspray of laquer clear coat on your car. Dealer should sort this out, but i'd look for a good explanation, why would there be overspray on a car that should never have been near a bodyshop/ Sounds like some minor bodyrepairs were carried out; ie new front or rear bumper. New cars get damaged too!
  4. stream

    stream Senior Member

    May 12, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    2010 Prius
    I think claying should do the trick. I clay my cars twice a year.

    I've been using clay Magic for years. You can get it at most auto parts stores, if not, this site has good prices:
    Clay Magic Perfect Finish Kit

    After washing the car, hold the bar in your hands for a minute or 2 to soften it a bit. Spray a 1 - 2 foot square are with the lubricant (the key is to use the lubricant liberally), then glide the bar (with light pressure--don't grind it) back and forth in straight strokes (not circles) in the same direction the wind flows over the car. Wipe area with a cloth. After each section, you'll see the surface contaminants that were removed on the surface of the bar, so fold it in half and press a bit to get back to original size and repeat.

    Then apply wax--my favorite if One Grand Blitz wax:
    Car Care Specialties - Product Detail Page
  5. edthefox5

    edthefox5 Senior Member

    Jul 25, 2007
    Clearwater, Florida
    2007 Prius
    I'm with biggus on this too. Good call. Sounds like its seen the inside of a body shop. Although the Toyota wax/cleaner that comes with the car (in the glove box) and is on the car now is kind of gooey. Not silky smooth like a regular wax.

    Just talking about myself here but I' spend the $100 on a good detail shop for the claybar. A guy who does it all day will make your car look perfect.
    Don't learn claybaring on your brand new white car especially if your as particular about your car as I am. Just had mine done and its perfect. Best $100 I ever spent. And my back doesn't hurt.
  6. F8L

    F8L Protecting Habitat & AG Lands

    Aug 14, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA.
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Claybarring the car is VERY easy. It just takes time is all. A simply soapy solution of water in a spray bottle and a quality clay bar is all you need. Unless you do something silly you are very unlikely to hurt your new paint. I've been using em for years on many dark-olored vehicles and never once induced scratching because of the claybar. :)
  7. stream

    stream Senior Member

    May 12, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    2010 Prius
    Possible, but I suspect it's surface contaminants that got on the paint during shipping and storage. Since only the sides have the issue, it's likely because the top surfaces of most cars are covered in plastic film when they leave the factory, but the sides are typically not covered.
  8. rigormortis

    rigormortis Active Member

    Feb 14, 2007
    san jose, ca
    2007 Prius
    i tried turtle wax liquid clay bar and did not like it, because it just into the nooks and crannies of the car.

    i used regular clay on my moms old buick century was able to take some rust off but not all of it

    the last time i used clay on my prius, it didnt seem to be taking any thing off so i stored the clay for next time
  9. sas0611

    sas0611 Member

    Mar 26, 2008
    2008 Prius
    I did see the car's top and hood and deck lid covered in plastic 4 days before I picked it up. I had come by to get a price on my suv which I was thinking of trading. They pulled the car up while I was there and showed it to me not yet detailed. We talked about completing the deal that upcoming weekend.

    I was also thinking that it's odd that the windshields seemed unaffected and clean. Either the detailers took some care to clean the contaminent off them or for some reason what ever is on the door panels didn't get on the windows ? The black trim around the windows/doors/etc. seemed fine as well - flat black with no specs ? I doubt your typical detailer at a dealership would have noticed this problem on the superwhite paint but on the windshields and glass they'd definitely notice it and maybe took care of it. Another possibility would be that paint work was done but the glass surfaces and black surfaces around the were masked (i hope that the later is not the case and nothing was done paintwise to this car)..