As you can see, very flat and lots of water. Certainly not the most spectacular scenery in the world, but hey, it's the place where I live...
Really excellent stuff vtie. I'd have to comb through my photos for hours to come up with a dozen of that quality. I do have some nice photos from a Benelux trip my wife and I took a few years ago...was shooting all chromes back then though so I don't think I have any of them digitalized. Here's a quick grab from my recent trip to Scotland. (ignore the sensor dirt please!)
Gorgeous picture! Do you remember where this has been taken? I have visited Scotland quite a bit, but never seen it. What camera do you shoot with? What kind of lenses do you usually use? Personally, while travelling, I have fallen for the comfort of those ultrazooms (e.g. 18-200), even if the quality isn't top. Maybe we should start a thread to exchange photography experiences...
Vtie, That is in Edinburgh...blanking on the name right now but it's the place the Queen & Prince stay when they're in town across the street from the Parliment building. This is the ruins of the old sactuary there. We've had a couple photo threads before here, and it never hurts to have another IMO!! My main body is a Nikon D200, the go-to lens is a 17-35/2.8 AFS DX, I've got a full frame older 80-200/2.8, a 105/2.8 micro, a 10.5mm fisheye, a 50mm/1.4 manual focus. I use a D70 for a backup, and I can't get rid of my FM2n film body...when/if I do any serious back-country/mountaineering again it'll be my baby!
I'm picking my jaw up off the ground and whiping up all the drool in case anyone is wondering.... Amazing photos you two!
I went there in 2000 to view the annual Tattoo at Edinburgh Castle. What a wonderful place (Scotland).
I've been to Belgium twice.. for the beer! no driving for me- lots of fun and Brugge is just so scenic!
I'm not sure what I liked better in Belgium, the beer or the fries...I can hardly eat a fry in the US without pining for a real fry like you would line up for at the street vendors in Belgium.
Ah yes, the fries. You know, over here we eat them with mayonaise? That is one thing that keeps surprising Americans. The best one was a couple of years ago, when I had a dinner in a restaurant somewhere in a small village in Utah. I asked for mayonaise on my fries. The waiter really was in total shock! He repeated at least 3 times "are you really going to have mayonaise on your fries?" - "Yes, that the way I eat them...". And then finally, with that strange look: "Ok... if that is what you want... " But the beer is what we are really proud of!
We'd be negligent to leave Chocolate off the list of wonderful things in Belgium. But yes, I routinely use mayonaise on good fries since visiting Belgium...a lot of people here don't like mayo, but I do and I find it excellent on good fries.