:wave: Would any body in this area want to form a group or get together ...i know you are out there somewhere.....
Give me a year til I get my Prius :? (hopefully it will be less time than that). Except I'm down in the Indy area, but my wife's sister's do live in Fort Wayne, and other in-laws are in NW Indiana and we travel to both places frequently
Hopefully your wait will be less than 1 yr...we get down to keystone about once every 2-3 weeks ...wife likes coscoes and we go to the apple computer store...so if you want to see the prius tideland #9, which will be a #6 for 2005, let me know...don ft wayne
I travel to Indy and Fort Wayne in my Prius on a regular basis. If we could get more folks interested, it would be nice to meet up once every few months for a cruise-in, low emissions style! Larry Cincinnati