Hey guys, Im new to the boards. Name is John Scullin. Im 17 and my parents hooked me up with a 2007 prius, im very lucky i know! either way hope to meet you all maybe and learn more about my car
John, you got a great firts car... mine was a '72 Olds Delta 88. I think it go 14 gallons to the mile. Congratulations.
my first car was a 65 chevy that was falling apart - burned 1 quart of oil every 50 miles ... you're one lucky teenager welcome to the boards
awesome! you'll love it! i wish I had a prius when I started driving (instead of a 17 mpg '94 Nissan Pathfinder). back then, gas was $1.29/gal so a fill up would be under $10... congrats on your new car!!
Welcome and congratulations! My son's first car will probably be my husband's 2005 Prius, 3 years from now. If not than it WILL be some sort of alternative energy vehicle. From that I will never go back.