I have certain desires for this item on eBay . . . Another one sold a couple weeks back for a little over $21,000.00 but it didn't have all the instruments this one does. Wildkow p.s. Sigh . . . :decision:
Nice! And not a bad price. But what about Peak Oil? Is the High cost of AvGas the driving force behind the sale?
I imagine it does but the burn rate is probably 4-5 gallons per hour and the cruise is 138 mph so it still gets about 34.5 to 27.6 mpg but that's with only two people not like the Prius but the view is much better. Wildkow
Nice Kow, I didn't remember you being a pilot. I guess you're not interested in it for a means of transportation...that's a acrobatic right?
I'm not a licensed pilot but I have flown the crap out of some Ultralights and that was a real kick. The aircraft above isn't an Ultralight but since I was trained by an FAA recognized Ultralight Instructor my hours apply to the requirements for a Sport Pilot License. This particular aircraft can be flown in the Sport Pilot Category which has much less stringent medical requirements. But does have more restrictions such as no instrument flying, night flying, no more than a two place aircraft, top speed below 140 mph, etc. etc. Link I don't believe this is aerobatic rated for negative g maneuvers but all that requires is the correct fuel system because the aircraft itself is rated single +/- 7.9g and dual +/- 6.0g. I flew a small Bi-Plane SNS-8 Hiperlight Ultralight which was rated +6/-3 g's and did spins, barrel rolls and loops which if done correctly are well below those g ratings and all the maneuvers were positive g maneuvers. I attached a pic of my little red bi-plane, the blue thing on top is a ballistic parachute. At one time I own the Ultralight that held the World Altitude Record for Ultralights although I wasn't the one that set the record I did achieve 12,500 feet altitude in my red bi-plane. This is a good review on the SNS-8 Hiperlight. Wildkow
:doh: Doh! and to think I've been giving the Lib's here such a hard time about their lack of a sense of humor! LOL! Small aircraft like this are normally used, as airportkid can confirm, for flying somewhere on the weekend to get a $100.00 hamburger/veggieburger. Occasionally it's used to actually get somewhere but that only happens about once a year, if'n your lucky. Thanks guys, the heart is willing but the flesh is weak, or should that be the other way around? :nod: Wildkow p.s. my wife just informed me that my flesh will be hurting if I get this before she gets her wood floors and granite counter tops! LOL!
So, you're grounded by the weight of timber and stone? Bugger, the aircraft looks sweet, it would be a great toy. As far as fuel use goes that is only part of the operating cost but the number of hours you fly a light aircraft means the consumption isn't that bad over a year. and if it gives you pleasure why not? How much pleasure will anyone get from wood floors and stone benchtops?
Rented, never own a plane, but I think what would kill you would be cost to maintain. As for the bike, doubled my money, got a bigger mower and more work! Kids are starting to do it so now pop can sit and watch from the shade!
I notice that at over $20,000 the reserve price is not yet met, and that the seller has ZERO feedback. Maybe that's not a problem for someone who can go there before the 24 hours required for the initial non-refundable deposit, and check it out in person. I enjoy watching aerobatics from the ground. But, though I had a student pilot's license in my teens, planes that small frighten me now. Good luck on making your dream come true, Kow. Let me know if you ever fly over Spokane. I'll step outside and wave at you as you do loop-the-loops.
I used to fly a Cessna 150 Aerobat, which is an aerobatically rated version of the popular 150 trainer. It was easily distinguished by the checkered paint job on the tail. To be rated for aerobatics, the airframe was modified to withstand higher G loads, and the doors could be ejected if you needed to get out in a hurry. The standard joke among pilots who flew them was that Cessna's modification to the airframe was appling the checkered paint: "That extra layer of paint should make it strong enough..." :blink: Tom
I have goals too. and mine is to drive this Or this... Because I don't think this would catch criminals.. And Yes, I am trying to become a cop if you haven't gotten the hint. We all got dreams and I finally decided to pursue mine.
Good luck with that. I have nothing but respect for anyone that aspires to serve the people. Not sure how old you are, but my brother in law is in his mid 30's and just started CHP school in Sacramento. He snuck in to fulfill his dream the very last year he could (they don't take you after a certain age unless you have prior law enforcement experience).
I am 26 yrs old. Been wanting this since I was 16 but I went the artistic route and got a BS in Animation. Every year the "What if" question always pops in my head, but the ex's used to not want me to pursue the dream so I didn't for them. But now that I am single all I have been doing is thinking about it, I even physically train for it. Right now I am trying to get into Dispatch and take it from there. All the cops I meet with say I have plenty of time. I believe the cut off is 36 yrs old. I meet with a Lt. for coffee next week. Thank you for the good luck wishes Mingoglia.
I hope you don't have to drive in the Charger all my cop friends say they're a piece of junk and I do believe they come with a V6 not a V8. Good luck and God Bless. Wildkow