Hi All, So cruzing around I have been searching for a definitive answer on the ability to set A/C compressor mode to full manual (so if I temp down, the fan will blow harder, but the A/C compressor wont engage until I manually switch it on) It sounds like most dealers don't even know that this is possible. Does anyone know if there is a "dance" to accomplish this? I know about the hold info while cycling the trail lights three times to get the system check mode, then going to the diagnostic menu, do the upper left lower right corners to get the Product diagnosis menu, then Model info, but while I can see the status of the A/C Auto here, I can't seem to change it. And for the people who find all this stuff, how do you find it? Is it in the service manuals? Thanks for any help, Sam
It is in the new car features Air conditioning ECU BE-106 Customized body electronics system are on BE-64 I use the scan tool to make those changes even if there was a song & dance I would not use it because the scan tool is so much faster. I have not found anything saying it can be done w/o a scan tool. Sorry PS I don't charge to make those setting. That is probably why I have so meny customers that ask for me.
>> PS I don't charge to make those setting. That is probably why I have so meny customers that ask for me. << AHhh! To bad for me you are in Utah. Thanks for the reply, not the answer I was hopping for, but good to know. Sam
Sam, If you are in your first year of ownership they refer to that as the 'adjustment period'. Changes such of that are supposed to be free as you 'adjust to' your vehicle. Likewise, an alignment check is free in that first year and you definately SHOULD take advantage of that. Almost everyone who's had it done has found that their alignment was off by some degree or another and that affects your gas mileage, tire wear and handling. If you read through This List of Dealer Customizable Features you can have all of them you're interested in done at one time along with the AC adjustment and alignment...maybe at your next oil change.
If one has a 3rd party scantool, can one change these settings? Or can it only be done with an official Toyota scantool? EDIT: This relates to a post I made in the Maintenance forum. I'm thinking of buying a 3rd-party CAN-capable ODBII scantool (from a company that has a somewhat Toyota-specific version of their generic software -- so it knows about a bunch of Toyota-only parameters). My imagined use is more for my own curiousity -- logging some stuff, being able to view trouble codes without having to bring it in, etc. But it would be a nice bonus if I could also use the tool to set some of customizable settings.
The ODBII tool will not work. You need the THHT from Toyota at a cost of about $2000. It is very specialized... if you've got the spare cash it can give you lots of fun data and the flexibility to do your own custom settings and those for your various Prius friends too.
Atilla has quite a bit of info with his CAN adapter going to his Linux running Zaurus. Supposedly the linux program would be transportable to any laptop running Linux, but I am having problems getting it to work since my system reports a screen size of 800x600 and it looks for 640x480. Check out http://www.vassfamily.net/ToyotaPrius/CAN/cindex.html
I'm not clear what you are trying to do. You can set the compressor to manual by giong to the climate screen and presing the AUTO A/C button to turn the yellow bar off. It will remain in auto-fan/auto-temp mode but without the compressor coming on (so of course you can't cool below outside ait temp). I take it you want this to be the default mode at power-up. Don't know how to do that--this routine above only lasts until you power down (or accidentally hit the steering wheel Auto A/C button twice).