I have a 2008 Prius and I need an adapter for my ipod Nano. I know the dealerships charge 3 times the price for these. Anyone know the kind I need and where I can get one? I was thinking Radio Shack but I still do not know which one. Sorry, not a techie.
An adapter to play your IPod thru your aux of your Prius, right? Best Buy sells them, I think it costs about $4. Just ask one of the salespersons at your local BB, I'm sure they'll be able to help...
or are you talking about the FM transmitters? those run $50+ and typically the more you spend, the better quality they are... mine was $70 (Christmas gift from my brother) and works pretty well
I advise you to avoid FM transmitters. Use the Aux-in if you have it, it has a much better audio quality, and no fiddling to find an available frequency.
Do the Nano's have the same interface as normal iPods? If so, I have a great one that doesn't work with my new iPhone that I can sell you for cheap. It's the ideal adapter to keep in the center console because the audio cable comes out of the DC adapter so instead of plugging in both the dock charger AND an audio cable, you just have to plug it into the adapter if that makes sense. Belkin : Auto Kit for iPod w/ Dock Connector