Which bumper guard is better haven't seen any post that compare the two and which people think are bettertrying to decide on which one to get
I like the black vinyl protector better than the clear one. The black one protects better and IMO looks better because the clear is not all clear.
shop for that in our Prius shop! top forum. I have the black thick pubberized plastic one. Its the bomb. check my profile pages for pics of it.
I am ordering one tomorrow. I constantly carry my bike in the rear of the car and yesterday, the front fork slipped from my sweaty hand and hit the bumper right in the middle so this bumper pad will prevent any more damage and also cover up the existing red mark/chip
I have the clear one and I think the black one is better. I would get that if I had it to do over again.
I personally like look of the clear one better, but the black one probably offers better protection...
My dealer was offering this to me. Is it generally cheaper here at the prius shop compared to the dealer or about the same?
Don't know what price your dealer was asking for what. But as a general matter, the PriusChat Shop's prices are frequently the lowest (and at minimum, reasonable and competitive). When comparing different vendors' prices, you should be sure to take into account shipping and taxes. In this regard, note that the PriusChat Shop's prices usually include shipping and taxes. Also, buying from the Shop helps to support this great forum.
I got the black one somewhat because it was cheaper. It went on easy and fits great. I am very happy with it. Kevin McGonagle
I have the clear one because I have a clear bra. I do think it looks great, but the black one would probably protect better.
I had the clear one. It was a bear to install smoothhly. Took it off removed the residual goo and installed the black one. I like it better...