The rear hatch on my 06 Prius is loose and getting worse. I live on a dirt road, and the hatch has started rattling. Last night I rode in the back seat and ended up dropping one side and slid back there. I could feel the hatch bouncing up and down, if I firmly pressed down on the top of the plastic interior panel at the lower back window I could feel the hatch come down and stop moving and the noise went away. I checked the latch assembly and see no way to adjust it tighter. Anybody have an idea on this?? Thx, Bikeman
It is possible to adjust the position of the rear hatch lock by loosening the three bolts that secure it in place, and moving the lock down as needed. The tightening torque of the three bolts is 75 in.-lb. You will probably have to first remove the "deck trim cover rear" that covers the rear hatch lock on the bottom edge of the hatch opening, to gain access to the bolts.
I had similar and it drove me nuts ! Your's isn't a black Prius by any chance ? Anyway, someone here on PCChat found a fix. On each side of the hatch door itself you'll see a block of rubber bolted on to the bodywork - sort of U shaped. When you shut the hatch they meet up with another block of rubber mounted in a channel that runs down the side - where the struts go when you close the hatch. I used about an inch long piece of felt - the type with a sticky backing - on the U parts of the U shaped block. This was enough to pad out the gap that causes the hatch to rattle. At first I found I had to slam the hatch in order to shut it but after a few times it shut normaly - and no more rattles !! Over time the felt gets compressed a bit, the rattles come back, so I replace the felt. Hope this helps
Thanks for the input. Last night I tried adjusting the latch itself. There is very little adjustment, but I got it a little tighter and it is rattling less. I will try the felt, that is a very good idea. Otherwise possibly pull the latch assembly and wallow the holes out allowing for more adjustment. Thanks again!
There no room for adjustment of the hatch ! Better off removing the rubber bumper guides and elongate the 2 holes on the bracket about 1/8 of a inch moving the bumper closer upward toward the hatch! Apply sealant when done!