I'm sure someone still on a wait list will chime in. But for the most part, in most markets, the wait lists are down to several weeks. In my area, last I heard, they were still talking about 6-8 month waits, but that must be an anomaly and probably those folks have not checked around elsewhere. If you really want one and want it NOW, then they can be found and quickly.
i already own one i got it in april just curious because people seem so excited to have finally gotten theirs. Assumed they've been put on a wait list to get it or something
There remains a 6-8 month wait time for a Prius order in the Portland metro area, although I found and purchased my Prius in two days, about 30 miles outside of Portland. Not convinced that increased production has made a palpable difference yet in Prius availability here.
I talked with our Inventory Manager a few weeks ago and he said it was about 3 months here. But today I heard him saying we have one on the lot that is not sold,so maybe they are getting production out sooner :roll: