*** Automotive Sales belong in the Commercial Sales forum *** The Private Sales forum is for private member's items only! PriusChat is a very useful tool to market your product to the thousands of visitors we have every day. However, lately the idea of "free advertising" on PriusChat has turned into an abuse of the site and a waste of bandwidth for our users. Effective immediately, there will be a nominal $20 charge to begin a Group Buy or sell retail items by businesses or individuals at PriusChat. There is no charge for our Sponsors. If you are interested in becoming a PriusChat Sponsor, which allows for greater visibility within the Prius community, please visit our Sponsor Information page. This policy is not in effect obviously for privately-owned items that can be sold or traded in the Private Sales Forum. Only one car per advertisement thread will be allowed. If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected] for further information. If you don't have any questions about posting an Automotive Advertisement thread on PriusChat, then please visit our Online Payment Page to pay via credit card. To pay via check or money order, please contact me for payment information. Wondering why you should post your dealership's car on PriusChat? The average time for the sale of a 2004 Prius posted here on PC has been less than 30 minutes. In less than 30 minutes, you can have a buyer that is willing to travel thousands of miles to purchasefor your car. Dealer Automotive For Sale posts must follow the following guidelines or will be deleted by a Moderator - you do not get a refund of your money, or a 2nd chance to repost it. Follow these guidelines or lose your cash... Post continued here in the Commercial Sales Forum: http://www.priuschat.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1617
I've just sent you an invoice with a link to pay via credit card. Once I receive payment from you, you will be allowed to post an advertisement in the Commercial Sponsored Sales forum only. Please follow the rules outlined here: http://www.priuschat.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1617
Oh, I apologize - Private Sales you may post in this forum at no fee. Please be sure to include as much information as possible about the car you are selling. Sorry for the confusion. Danny
Now back to the original question: How do I do place the ad? I am a novice to chat rooms and don't know how to navigate my way around them. Thanks for your help.
I suggest the following: 1. Log in as usual. 2. Click on "Private Sales" (the Private Sales forum). 3. Click "New Topic". 4. In the "Subject" line, put the year, color, package, and mileage and/or asking price. Example: "2004 Black #7 For Sale, 8000 miles, $22,000". 5. In the "Description of your topic" line, put "Private Sale of [model year] Prius". 6. In the body of your post, include as much information as possible (e.g., condition of car, location, contact information, interior color, any optional or special equipment, the date you purchased the car, reason for sale, etc.). 7. Click the "Preview" button. Check your message to make sure it is accurate. 8. Click the "Submit" button. Check to make sure your message has been posted and appears in the forum. Again, check your message for accuracy.
Hi Danny, Two questions: 1) Can I post something for sale other than a car or accessories for a car? If so, is there anything that I need to do besides list the item? (It is chocolate truffles BTW). 2) Did you sell the laptop that you listed just before the site crashed? Thanks in advance, Tisza
Re: Automotive Sales Policy on PriusChat - Read BEFORE Posti Danny, I volunteer to test the chocolates before you allow them to be listed.
Sorry for taking so long to respond: 1) Yes, you may. Feel free to post anything you'd like. If it's multiple items for Commercial purposes (like selling a Prius mod) then there is a small fee involved. Doesn't sound like that's the case with you. 2) No, I haven't sold it yet. I've become sidetracked with a few other things and haven't gotten it ready for eBay yet, but I am still entertaining offers if you're interested. Sounds like you have a taste-tester
Danny, (Sorry if this is a duplicate - I wasn't sure if you got my first message). May I post here that I am looking to buy a specific Prius ('03 salsa red w/navagation package in SoCal)? Thanks, Catfromtex
catfromtex - I just replied to your PM. Basically, yes, but please post it here in the Private Sales forum and label it as WTB (Want to Buy).
Do you have to be a member to buy something? Just in case I know someone that would buy something I see on here. BTW, this is a really great site that you have made available to us Prius owners. Thank you! I have already learned a lot! What are the advantages to be a senior member, and how does one graduate?
Do you mean a commercial product? You do not need to be a member though members sometimes recieve a discount.
Hello, Dan I got your e-mail. I'm not sure if I posted my 2005 Prius, is there a way for me to find it on the site. It's a private sell. Thanks
Good Evening Danny, How may i remove my add and re-write it. My data is OK but the arrangement may have scared more people than I ever thought. I think I can do a better job Paul Class